IBM WTX Interview Questions and Answers

1. What are the uses of EDI?

1) Manage Huge volumes of transactions
2) Less Operating Cost
3) Eliminates delays
4) Eliminates data entry errors
5) Bridges the information gap that exists between companies using different computer systems.
6) Elimination of paper documents
7) Greater accuracy of information
8) Better tracking
9) Speed. Because information is moved faster and with greater accuracy, time spent communicating with the suppliers decreased.

2. What is the purpose of the event server?
Answer: The Event Server automates the execution of systems of maps and can control multiple systems. On Windows platforms, the Event Server runs as a multi-threaded service. On UNIX platforms, the Event Server runs as a multi-threaded daemon.

3. What is workspace?
Answer: What are the methods to override input/output settings? Using RUN function and IFD settings. Data sources and targets, and other map settings can be overridden from the Integration Flow Designer or when a map is run using the command server or the Platform API.

4. What is the command server?
Answer: The Command Server is used to develop, test, and execute maps in development environments. It can also be used to execute commands in production environments but a single map at a time.

5. What is Floating Component?
Answer: The floating component represents an object that may appear after any component of the group. An implicit group can have a floating component; an explicit group cannot. If the group is prefix or infix delimited, the floating component appears before the delimiter. If the group is postfix delimited, the floating component appears after the delimiter. A floating component can be an optional component that may appear after any other component. However, it is not included in the component list because it does not appear at a specific location. If a group has a floating component, a component must be distinguishable from a floating component. For example, components and a floating component could start with different initiators.

6. What is Padding or Pad property?
Answer: If the data value to be mapped to the target item is smaller than the minimum length of that item, pad characters are used to pad the data to that minimum length. Input data may contain both content and pad characters. Output data is built according to the pad definitions of the types.

7. What is the use of IFD?
Answer: Use the IFD whenever you have multiple maps to manage within your enterprise. One-click can build or port as many maps as you have defined in any system.

Note You must use the IFD to generate systems if you plan to use the Event Server. The IFD is the client definition facility for the Event Server.

You do not need the IFD if you are using a Command Server. However, you will find it to be useful as a client facility for managing maps that will be run by a Command Server. The IFD generates process control information for Command Servers in the form of command files. Generating these command files manually is tedious and error-prone. Using the IFD eliminates possible manual errors.

8. Working of event server?
Answer: The Event Server runs systems of maps that are created and generated using the Integration Flow Designer (IFD). These systems of maps that are generated specifically to run in the Event Server are called Event Server system files (.msl); sometimes referred to as Event Server control files. When the Event Server starts running, it is initialized with .msl files in the deployment directory.

9. When to use a functional map?
Answer: The use of functional maps is very common. Almost every executable map created will use at least one functional map. To map a group in the input to a different group in the output, use a functional map. For example, use a functional map to map an input row to an output row when the rows are defined differently. Or, use a functional map to map from a file containing many input rows, to generate a file of many output rows with one output row per input row. The first output row would correspond to the first input row, the second output row corresponds to the second input row, and so on.

A map defines how to generate output data. One important factor to consider in determining when to use a functional map is the presence of an output component with a range of more than one. For example, ranges of (s) or (1:10). The number of this output object to be created is based on the number of some input object. Another important factor in determining when to use a functional map is when you want to transform the data – mapping from one or more types to a different type. In the preceding example of the functional map that maps one Message to one row in a database table, the input row and the output row are two different types.

Note Use a functional map when the number of a certain output group that you want to create is based on the occurrences of some input or output data – and the types are different types.

10. What is explicit and implicit?
Answer: A Sequence group has either an Explicit or Implicit format. For example, if each component of a fixed group has a fixed size, the component is distinguished from the next component by its position in the data. Or, a group may have delimiters that appear for missing components. In these cases, the format is apparent; the group has an explicit format.

If a group does not have an explicit format, it has an implicit format. An implicit format relies on the properties of the component types. In this example, the components make some pattern in the data and it is possible to distinguish between them, but the format is not fixed and if delimiters separate components, they do not appear for missing components.

When deciding what format a group has, it may help to ask first whether it is clear where one component ends and another begins. Generally, a group has an explicit format if the position of each component in the data stream is always the same or if a delimiter always marks the place for each component.

11. What is EDI?
Answer: Electronic Date Interchange. EDI is simply sending and receiving of information using computer technology. Its efficiency has made it a condition of doing business in dozens of industries (retail, grocery, etc.,). Any standard business document that one company would exchange with another (like PO, invoice, Health Care claim) can be exchanged via EDI between the two parties or trading partners, as long as both have made the preparations. EDI is transmitted in a structured format, based on the use of message standards, which ensures that all participants use a common language.

12. What is a functional map?
Answer: A functional map is like a sub-routine; it maps a portion of data at a time. A functional is a map that is used as a function. It takes one or more input objects and generates one output object. For example, you might have a functional map that maps one Message to one row in a database table. Or you might have a functional map that maps one Header and one Detail to one Item Record.

13. What is Pseudo Maps?
Answer: Pseudo maps reference executable maps that have not yet been implemented. Pseudo maps are represented by a PINK icon.

14. How to build maps in a different environment?
Answer: To run a map on another platform, you must build the map for that platform, using the Build for Specific Platform command. To run a map on another platform, that platform must have the Command Server installed. To identify which map is built for a specific platform, maps compiled for specific platforms are compiled with platform-specific filename extensions. The name of the platform-specific compiled map file is the executable map name with the platform-specific file name extension.

For example, building the map MyMap for the VMS platform compiles the MyMap.VMS map. The platform-specific file name extensions prevent you from inadvertently overwriting your original compiled map and help identify which compiled map file should be transferred to the specific platform environment.

15. What is the event server?
Answer: The Event Server automates the execution of systems of maps and can control multiple systems.

16. What is Event Server Path?
Answer: Event Server Path is the path where Event server system files (.msl) are placed.

Is it necessary to stop an event server when a new system/changes to a system is deployed?

Yes. Before you create or update a .msl file from the Integration Flow Designer (IFD), stop the Event Server and Event Server Monitor. If the Event Server is running when you create or update a .msl file, the change is not recognized and the file does not appear in the Event Server Monitor. You must restart the Event Server in order for changes to be recognized.

Turning on-off Trace file, how does it affect performance? It is recommended to turn off the trace file while executing in the server since it takes time and space for generating and storing the trace file.

17. During setting override operation what does “-of”?
Answer: If the map, burst, or card does not complete successfully, roll back any changes made to this data target. If this option is not specified, the OnFailure setting compiled into the map is used.

18. What is BUILD command?
Answer: The BUILD command on the map menu is used to build the executable map for the selected map. The Build command analyzes the logical interfaces within map rules. The BUILD command generates the compiles map file with .mmc extension. The analysis includes checking for missing rules, invalid rules, invalid card definitions, verifying map references, and verifying the arguments of functions. The analysis also looks for circular map references – maps that reference one another.

When a map is built, the map and all of the functional maps that are referenced within that map are analyzed. An executable map has a data source or target specified for each of its cards. Executable maps are built. Functional maps are not built.

Note Data sources and targets specified for an executable map are defaults built into the compiled map file.

19. What is Restart attribute?
Answer: The restart attribute specifies an error recovery point. In order to map invalid data of a particular object, errors during validation are ignored by assigning the restart attribute. Then you can map the invalid data using any or all of the error functions REJECT, ISERROR, and CONTAINSERRORS. To continue processing your input data when a data object of a component is invalid, assign the restart attribute to that component.

Note Do not put the restart attribute on a required component. There must be a sufficient number of valid instances to cover all the required components. If you have a required component, that is not valid, the restart attribute will not validate the data.

20. How can you incorporate validation in a type tree?
Answer: By using component rule validation can be incorporated in a type tree.

What is component Rule? Is it advisable to use Component Rule?

A component Rule is an expression about one or more components. It indicates what must be true for that component to be valid. Forgiven data, it evaluates to either TRUE or FALSE. A component rule is similar to a test, it is invalid. A component rule cannot be greater than 32K. No, it is not advisable to use Component rule.

21. What is an inbound file?
Answer: Inbound file is an EDI file received from a trading partner and its data gets parsed or mapped to an existing system (Legacy system)
What is VAN? Communication between trading partners is usually handled by a carrier. The carrier, also known as a third-party network or Value Added Network (VAN), acts like a postal service between trading partners, who are using standard communication protocols.

22. What is a fixed and delimited property?
Answer: The size of the element will be fixed in fixed. A fixed group can have only fixed components. If the size of the field is 10 and the actual size of the element is 5, 5 spaces will be padded to the output. In a fixed group, components are identified by their position. In the delimited group, components are identified by a delimiter.

23. How to find the difference between to dates (dynamic values)?
Answer: Using the DATETONUMBER () function. This function returns an integer that results from counting the number of days since December 31, 1864, to the specified date.
Different fetching modes of a map

24. What are the different Adapters?
Answer: PFA the document to have an idea about the list of adapters.

25. What is Trace File?
Answer: The trace file is a debugging aid used to diagnose invalid data or incorrect type definitions. A map can be configured to create a trace file that can be viewed. The trace file is a text file that records map execution progress. Input data, output data, or both input and output data may be included in a trace file. Map settings and adapter commands are used to enable tracing.

26. What is Implicit Delimited Syntax?
Answer:  If a delimiter separates the components of a group, but the delimiter does not appear when a component is missing that group has an implicit format, with a delimited syntax.

27. Difference between explicit and implicit formats?
Answer:  The explicit format relies on the syntax to separate components. Each component can be identified by its position or by a delimiter in the data. Delimiters appear for missing components.
The implicit format relies on the properties of the component types. The format is not fixed. If delimiters separate components, they do not appear for missing components.

28. What is unordered group type?
Answer:  An unordered group has one or more components that can appear in the data stream in any order. Unordered groups have no partitioned property. They have implicit format properties with syntax as none and delimited. When a group is defined as unordered, any component can appear in the data stream. A component can be an item or a group.
Unordered group components have a range of property. For example, if the unordered group, A, has the following component list: B (1:S) C D (S) then A must-have one C, at least one B, and possibly some Ds. They could appear in any order.

29. What is Fixed Syntax?
Answer: Fixed Syntax is the property for which a group data object has always the same size. Each component of a fixed group must be fixed. If you break down a fixed group, it ultimately consists of items that are fixed. Each is padded to a fixed size or its minimum and maximum content size are equal. Do not specify the size of a fixed group. The size is automatically calculated based on the size of the group’s components.

30. What is release Character?
Answer: A release character is a one-byte character in the data that indicates that the character(s) following it should be interpreted as data, not as a syntax object. The release character is not treated as data, but the data that follows it is treated as actual data. Release characters apply to character data only, not binary data.
If a release character is defined for a type, a release character is inserted for each occurrence of a syntax object in the data of any item contained in that type.

31. What is Process Control File?
Answer: Process Control File has the information which is supplied to the Command Server that controls the processing of maps. The Integration Flow Designer can generate command files that control Command Server processing and event server files that control Event Server processing.

32. What are mrc and mrn files? Where will you use them?
Answer: Mrc – This is the filename extension for a resource configuration file. A resource configuration file contains specifications for an engine such as the active virtual server(s) and its associated .mrn file. Mrn – This is the filename extension for a resource name file. A resource name file contains a named set of virtual servers and a named set of resources. Each named resource specifies a value for that resource for each virtual server.

33. What is an EDI Translator?
Answer: For the bookstore system to have a consistent EDI interface, an EDI translator is essential. The EDI translator normalizes the EDI documents going to and from the bookstore system to the trading partners. EDI translators are available from a number of independent companies who not only provide the translator software but also provided updated dictionaries, as new revisions to the standards become available.

34. What is EAI?
Answer: EAI is an industry term used to describe the infrastructure needed to facilitate disparate applications communicating together. With EAI all the applications are communicating via a central system or middleware. No specialized programs at either the source or destination location perform this data translation from one format to another. It is the responsibility of the EAI system to provide a service to change the data formats between the two applications.

35. What is the identifier?
Answer: When creating type trees and defining components of a group, the identifier attribute can be assigned to one component to identify a collection of components that are used during data validation to determine whether a data object exists. The identifier attribute can be used on a component of a group. The identifier indicates the components that can be used to identify the type to which a data object belongs. All the components, from the first, up to and including the component with the identifier attribute, are used for type identification.

When this data is validated, it knows that, when it reaches the identifier, it has found a specific group. That group, therefore, is known to exist, even if part of the group following the identifier is missing.

36. What is semantics?
Answer: The semantics of data refer to the meaning of the data including rules for data values, relationships among parts of a large data object, and error detection and recovery.

37. What is a data object?

  • A data object is a complete unit that exists in your input or is built on output.
  • A data object may be simple (such as a date) or complex (such as a purchase order).
  • A data object is some portion of data in a data stream that can be recognized as belonging to a specific type.

38. What is an item?
Answer: An item type represents a simple data object that does NOT consist of other objects.

39. What is a choice group type?
Answer: Choice groups provide the ability to define a selection from a set of components like multiple-choice questions on a test. A choice group is validated as only one of its components. Validation of the choice group is attempted in the order of components until a single component is validated. If the choice group has initiator, the initiator is validated first. Choice groups have no partition or format properties. Components of a choice group must be distinguishable from each other. The components of a choice group cannot have a component range other than (1:1). Only one component of a choice group is built in the data.

For e.g., the data type Record is a group subclass of choice. The group type record has three components Order, Invoice and Sales. The data validation of record will be only one of the components Order, Invoice or Sales.

40. How will you relate Partitioning and Choice?
Answer: The components of a choice group are similar to the partitions of a partitioned type. However, a Choice group can have both items and groups as components. A partitioned Sequence group can only have group subtypes.

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