Devops Gradle Interview Questions and Answers Pdf

Gradle Interview Questions
The concept of Gradle is all about the combination of Ant and Maven which delivers the excellent from the frameworks. It allows genuine flexibleness from the device of Ant and including the progress of the configuration administration province and Maven plug-ins. It additionally extends the beneficial assistance for the various raised up project.

If you’re viewing about Gradle Interview Questions for Expert or Fresher’s, in DevOps training there are a lot of occasions from several putative companies in the business. According to research, Gradle has a market share of around 18%. So, you yet have the chance to go forward in your career in Gradle Development . SVR Technologies gives Advanced Gradle Interview Questions 2018 that helps you in cracking your interview & acquire a dream career as Gradle Developer.

The Gradle works different forms and possibilities that support to develop and construct Java to configure it completely the method of the whole scheme which will lead out the build.

1. What Is a Gradle Framework?
Answer: Gradle is an open-source build automation system that builds based on the concepts of Apache Ant and Apache Maven and introduces a Groovy-based domain-specific language (DSL) instead of the XML form used by Apache Maven for declaring the project configuration.

2. Advantages Of Using Gradle?
Answer: Gradle combines both Ant and Maven, taking the best from both of these frameworks; Flexibility from Ant tool and convention over configuration, dependency management and plugins from Maven. Gradle provides support for multi-project builds.

3. What Is Gradle Wrapper?
Answer: A wrapper is a batch script and it is one of the ways to perform Gradle build. When executed the first time, it automatically downloads Gradle and then initiates the build.

It helps to set up Gradle workspace quickly for first-time users (Zero installation) and also ensures all the developers use the same version of Gradle.

4. Why Gradle Is Preferred Over Other Build Tools?
Answer: Gradle build script is written using groovy API which has the syntax similar to Java so it is easy to understand.

Gradle supports ant tasks, ivy and Maven repositories for dependency management. It also has a maven Pom.xml converter to Gradle build script.

It is open source.
provides strong support for multi-project builds.
supports build cache.
5. What Is The Gradle Build Script File Name?
Answer: build.gradle.

6. What Is The Latest Version Of Gradle Available In The Market?
Answer: Gradle build tool latest version is 3.5 as of May 2017. The version on your local Gradle installation can be checked using Gradle -v command.

7. How Do You Run Gradle Build?
Answer: Execute Gradle build using Gradle command.

8. What Are The Core Components Of Gradle Build Script?
Answer: Project and task are the core components. Groovy organizes projects as a list of tasks.

To view the list of available projects, use the command Gradle projects, for the tasks list the command is Gradle tasks.

9. How Do You Find Gradle Project Dependencies?
Answer: Use the Gradle command Gradle dependencies that list the dependencies of the selected project. It includes both direct and transitive dependencies.

10. The Main Difference Between Maven Build.xml And Build.gradle Script?
Answer: Maven build.xml is an xml document that includes start and end tags. Build.gradle is a Groovy script which has a syntax similar to Java.

11. How Do I Check Out And Build The Framework?
Answer: Framework uses a Gradle-based build system. In the instructions below, ./gradlew is invoked from the root of the source tree and serves as a cross-platform, self-contained bootstrap mechanism for the build.


Git and JDK 8 update 20 or later
Be sure that your JAVA_HOME environment variable points to the jdk1.8.0 folder extracted from the JDK download.
Run ./ or read as appropriate.
Note: Per the prerequisites above, ensure that you have JDK 8 configured properly in your IDE.
Install all spring-* jars into your local Maven cache

./gradlew install

Compile and test; build all jars, distribution zips, and docs

./gradlew build

… and discover more commands with ./gradlew tasks. See also the Gradle build and release FAQ.


Pull requests are welcome; see the contributor guidelines for details.

Staying in Touch

Follow @SpringCentral as well as @SpringFramework and its team members on Twitter. In-depth articles can be found at The Spring Blog, and releases are announced via our news feed.


The Spring Framework is released under version 2.0 of the Apache License

12. How Long Should A Build Take? When Running `./gradlew Build` For The First Time, It Is Likely That The Gradle Wrapper Script Will Need To Download Gradle For You. Gradle Distributions Run Around 30mb, So This Step Will Be Connection-speed Dependent?
Answer: You will also need to download all of Spring’s compile- and test-time dependencies. This currently runs around 120MB. Keep in mind here that almost all of these dependencies are optional at runtime for applications that use Spring. It’s only when building from source that you actually need them all!

Once you’ve bootstrapped a Gradle distribution and downloaded dependencies, you won’t need to do it again; they are cached in your $HOME/.gradle directory. A complete ./gradle clean build at this point will take between 5 and 15 minutes depending on your clock and disk speed. A solid-state drive makes a huge difference here!

As is also mentioned below in the ‘tips’ section, you’ll want to break yourself of any habits executing the clean task during normal development iterations. Gradle has excellent incremental build support, meaning that once you’ve built Javadoc, compiled, run test, etc, Gradle won’t execute these tasks again unless the inputs for those tasks (e.g. .java files) have changed. As a general rule, just run ./gradle build or ./gradle test (without clean) to keep things snappy.

Also, consider running with the -a flag to avoid evaluating other subprojects you depend on. For example, if you’re iterating on changes in spring-web MVC, cd into the spring-web MVC directory and run ../gradlew -a build to tell Gradle to evaluate and build only that subproject.

13. How Do I Configure The Gradle Daemon To Speed Up Builds?
Answer: The Gradle daemon helps greatly in eliminating startup overhead. This feature may potentially be enabled by default in the future, but in the meantime, you need to instruct Gradle to launch the daemon process. This can be achieved by passing the –daemon flag to Gradle at the command line, by exporting a GRADLE_OPTS environment variable that includes -Dorg.gradle.daemon=true, or by adding org.gradle.daemon=true to the file in your Gradle user home directory.

If you are building against JDK 9 and using the Gradle daemon, you may encounter an Unrecognized VM option error which halts the build. To avoid this error, you can add org.gradle.jvmargs=-XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=1024m -Xmx1024m to the file in your Gradle user home directory. See also GRADLE-3256 for details.

14. Why Are Compile-time Warnings Suppressed? You’ll Notice That ‘build.gradle’ Includes The Following Line?
Answer: This tells Gradle to suppress all warnings during compilation. The reason for this is that the framework currently has many warnings, most of which are related to generics usage — particularly raw type warnings — e.g. using Class instead of Class<?> This is an artifact switching to Java 5 in Spring 3. As with the Javadoc warnings mentioned above, committers are encouraged to fix these warnings whenever possible. Once the bulk of them are eliminated, we can switch to -Xlint: all. In the meantime, it just creates unnecessary noise in the build output.

15. What About Publishing Artifacts To Maven Central?
Answer: This allows for maximum convenience for the majority of Spring users, given that most users have Maven-based builds and Maven resolves artifacts by default from Maven Central.

The preferred way of releasing artifacts to Maven Central is via Sonatype’s Nexus server at (OSO). This is explained in detail in Sonatype’s OSS usage guide.

The Spring Artifactory repository has been customized with a “nexus-push” plugin that allows for automatic propagation of builds from Artifactory to the Nexus server at OSO for publication into Maven Central.

All Spring projects — that is, all projects having groupid org.spring framework — can publish to OSO under the shared ‘SpringSource’ account. This has already been set up in the nexus-push plugin, so there’s no additional setup necessary at OSO, even for new projects.

The Artifactory Bamboo plugin supports the use of the nexus-push plugin through it’s UI. Step 3 of the FAQ entry above on publishing releases described the process for promoting a build-out of staging. If the build is a GA release, simply choose the ‘Push to Nexus’ option, and select ‘libs-release-local’ as the target repository.

16. When Will I Be Able To Play With This?
Answer: Right now. See the sample’s README for details on how to get started.

17. What’s The Overall Roadmap?
Answer: A subsequent milestone release of Gradle Script Kotlin will ship with the forthcoming Gradle 3.0. We’ll be posting further information about the roadmap to Gradle Script Kotlin 1.0 GA soon.

18. Is Using Groovy For My Build Scripts Deprecated?

Answer: No. Gradle’s Groovy support is not deprecated and will continue to be supported.

19. Will Existing Plugins Still Work When I Write My Build Logic In Kotlin?
Answer: Yes, they will continue to work without a problem. Gradle plugins can be developed in any JVM language and they interoperate well with each other as well as with build scripts written in Kotlin or Groovy.

20. Do I Have To Use Intellij Idea When Using Kotlin For Gradle?
Answer: No. Although JetBrains is the company behind IDEA and also the inventor and driving force behind Kotlin, JetBrains is also committed to providing Kotlin support for Eclipse. The IDE support for writing Gradle build logic in Eclipse will actually improve with Kotlin once we integrate the Eclipse Kotlin support into Buildship, the Gradle plugin for Eclipse.

21. In What Language Should I Develop My Plugins?
Answer: You can develop your plugins in any JVM language, but as part of this effort, we are working on making Kotlin the language of choice for developing Gradle plugins. Stay tuned!

22. How do I force Gradle to download dependencies always?
Answer: You may refresh dependencies in your cache using the command line option –refresh-dependencies. Also deleting the cached files under ~/.gradle/caches would get the next Gradle to build to download them again.

23. What are a Gradle project and task?
Answer: Every Gradle build is made up of one or more projects. What a project represents depends on what it is that you are doing with Gradle. For example, a project might represent a library JAR or a web application. It might represent a distribution ZIP assembled from the JARs produced by other projects.

A project does not necessarily represent a thing to be built. It might represent a thing to be done, such as deploying your application to staging or production environments. Don’t worry if this seems a little vague for now. Gradle’s build-by-convention support adds a more concrete definition of what a project is.

Each project is made up of one or more tasks. A task represents some atomic piece of work which a build performs. This might be compiling some classes, creating a JAR, generating Javadoc, or publishing some archives to a repository.

24. What is Gradle Daemon?
Answer: The Daemon is a long-lived process that helps with the faster build process, by avoiding the cost of JVM startup for every build and also caches information about project structure, files, tasks, and more in memory.

25. How Gradle achieves faster performance?
Answer: Gradle improves build speed by reusing computations from previous builds and also uses cache information.

26. Difference between settings.Gradle & Gradle .properties?
Answer: The settings.gradle is a Groovy script that defines build related settings and not project related. It is evaluated against a Settings object and with this Settings object, you can add subprojects to your build, modify the parameter from the command line (StartParameter) and access the Gradle object to register lifecycle handlers.

The file is a simple Java properties file. It’s a simple key-value store, that only allows string values.

27. What is Gradle Dependency Management?
Answer: Gradle Dependency Management involves the programming of dependencies that operate in the form to build projects and Gradle work in a particular path which leads to a unique syntax that termed as dependencies. Perhaps, Gradle main function is to look for the path where it can run or construct the project in order to find them. The Gradle determines the dependencies of any project and lets them highlight in the build tool.

28. What is Gradle Multi-Project Build?
Answer: Gradle is said to be one of the best tools which can handle any tasks irrespective of large or small. This unique tool is highly efficient enough to work with any kind of task-related projects. The smaller the file is, the work becomes easier and flexible and this entire process is called to be as Gradle Multi-Project Build.

29. What is Gradle Motto?
Answer: The Gradle tool has chosen an idealistic slogan which makes the user believe in a composite framework and the quote says “Make the impossible possible, make the possible easy, and make the easy elegant”.

30. What is Gradle Build Environment?
Answer: The Gradle serves various ways and options that help to build and construct Java to configure it throughout the process of the entire project which will carry out the build.

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