Tibco Admin Interview Questions and Answers

1. What Is An Administration Domain?

Answer: An Administration Domain is a collection of Users, Machines, Applications, and Services. An Administration Domain is managed by Administration Server, which is assisted by a Hawk Agent running on each machine in the domain.

2. Advantage Of Using Database For Storage Of Bw Process Information?


  • Some of the functionality mentioned below are not available with the File system. Should use Database if process required below functions.
  • If shared variables are used to pass information across multiple process engines.
  • Duplicate detection of messages across multiple engines after a recovery from a checkpoint.
  • Using critical section groups across multiple engines requires a database for storage.
  • Wait/Notify activities can be used to pass data between services running on different machines.

3. What is the functionality provided by the User Management module of TIBCO administrator?

Answer: User management module of TIBCO administrator provides options for adding new users and specifying roles for the users. User management module also provides options for security setting for various resources at the user level.

4. What are the differences between JDBC activities and sql direct?

Answer: Sql direct is capable of executing entire DML operations, such as table deletion and creation, whereas, JDBC activities are capable of executing specific DML operations like insert, modify, and update.

5. What are the differences between topics and queues?


  • Both topics and queues are applied in the transportation and storage of messages in EMS.
  • While the use of queues is for point-to-point communication, the use of topics is found in publish-subscribe.
  • Queues assure message delivery even when the receivers or readers are not active.
  • In the case of topics, messages are not sent when consumers are not active.
  • Queues, when compared to topics, are more reliable and secure.

6. What is a TIBCO Domain?

Answer: The domain is a collection of hardware and software components that are used for business process integration. The domain defines the TIBCO Business Works environment. Each domain must contain one and only one administration server. Each domain must have a unique domain name. Each domain may contain one or more machines but no single machine can belong to multiple domains. Each machine may have more than one type of software component.

7. What are the different modes of service invocation?

Answer: Services can be invoked in several ways.

A one-way operation is executed once and does not wait for a response.

A request-response operation is executed once and waits for one response. In a request-response service, communication flows in both directions. The complete interaction consists of two point-to-point messages—a request and a response. The interaction is only considered complete after the response has arrived.

Publication (notification) means an operation sends information on an as-needed basis, potentially multiple times.

Subscription means incoming information is processed on an as-needed basis, potentially multiple times.

8. What are durable subscribers?

Answer: There can be a time dependency in publish and subscribe model. By default, subscribers only receive messages when they are active. If messages are delivered when the subscriber is not available, the subscriber does not receive those messages. The JMS API provides a method to remove part of the timing dependency by allowing subscribers to create durable subscriptions. Messages for durable subscriptions are stored on the server until the message expires or the storage limit is reached.

9. What are the differences between the render data and parse data?

Answer: Render data renders data from the output, providing a string according to a defined data format.
Parse data parses text content according to a defined data format.

10. What are the components of the TIBCO Admin? What is its use?


Admin server: It manages the resource in Admi domain

Admin GUI: It [provides a web browser interface. It allows to configure users and applications, deploys applications, monitor process and machines in the admin domain.

11. How to view tracing results for a process engine?


  • Got to Application Management
  • Click on All service instances,
  • Click on the process engine name
  • tracing tab, go to details

12. Does Secondary Administration Servers In An Ems-based Admin Domain Have Write Access?

Answer: Yes, In an EMS-based Administration domain the Secondary Administration servers act exactly like the Primary servers. You can deploy, delete, modify applications. For RV- based domain secondary server will have only read access.

13. What Happens When A Primary Server Fails In A Fault-tolerant Group Of Process Engine?

Answer: The primary servers start the process starters and execute the services & The Secondary server will be stand by. When Primary server fails, the secondary server resumes the role of the primary server and it restarts the process starters and services are restarted from their last checkpoint.

14. Explain The Difference In The Peer Vs Master & Secondary Relationships Ft Groups?

Answer: In Peer relationship FT group, If all the engines are peers when the machine executing the current processes fails then another peer engine resume processing for the first engine and it process until it fails and another engine resume its role.

In the Master & Secondary Relationships FT group, the secondary engine takes the role of primary and executes the process until the primary server is back, & then resume a secondary role and gets into standby mode. Meaning, the primary engine executes processes always as long as it’s up & running.

15. What are the differences between the file adapter and file poller?

Answer: A starter activity, the file poller polls a given file, simply reading the file, at the same time, processing the binary output or text. On the contrary, file adapter polls file sets for changes in an event, synchronizing them according to requirement.

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16. What is TIBCO Administrator?

Answer: TIBCO Administrator supports security administration as well as monitoring and management of processes and machines.
TIBCO Administrator consists of the TIBCO Administration Server and the web browser-based TIBCO Administrator GUI. 

17. What is prefetch and failsafe?

Answer: Prefetch is fetching the messages from the server before receiver calls. Failsafe property enables to write persistence messages to the file with synchronous i/o calls.

18. Can you change the value of a global variable at runtime?

Answer: You can change the value of a global variable when you deploy your project in TIBCO Administrator.
See the section on modifying runtime variables in TIBCO Business Works Administration for more information on using TIBCO Administrator.

You can also specify values for global variables when starting a process engine on the command line. To do this, specify the following as a command-line argument when starting the process engine:

– Tibco. client Var.variable Path And Name

where variable Path And Name is the name of the variable you wish to set, including the path to the variable if it is contained in a folder. Value is the value you wish to set the variable to.

For example, if you have a global variable named item 1 contained in a folder named my Group and you wish to set its value to 500, add the following argument to the command line when starting the process engine:
-Tibco. client Var. my Group/item1 500

19. What is SQL direct? What is it used for?

Answer: SQL direct is used to execute command dynamically using the output of other activities. This activity allows you to execute commands which other activities in the JDBC don’t allow like DDL command creates a table.

20. What are the resources that get included in the EAR file, created by the TIBCO Designer?

Answer: An EAR file can contain local project resources, Library Builder resources, and files as specified in Alias Library resources. In addition, the TIBCO Designer classpath may include references to other files that are included in the EAR file.

21. Process engines in a fault-tolerant group can be configured as peers or master secondary. How do these differ?

Answer: The options for configuring storage for process engine’s checkpoint repository are:

Peer means all of them to have the same weight. In this case when one engine fails another one takes over and continues processing till it fails.

In master secondary configuration weights are unequal, the secondary starts processing when the master fails. But when master recovers, secondary stops, and master continues processing.

22. What are destination bridges?

Answer: Destination Bridges Some applications require the same message to be sent to more than one destination, possibly of different types. For example, an application may send messages to a queue for distributed load balancing.

That same application, however, may also need the messages to be published to several monitoring applications. Another example is an application that publishes messages to several topics.

All messages, however, must also be sent to a database for backup and for data mining. A queue is used to collect all messages and send them to the database. An application can process messages so that they are sent multiple times to the required destinations. However, such processing requires significant coding effort in the application.

TIBCO Enterprise Message Service provides a server-based solution to this problem. You can create bridges between destinations so that messages sent to one destination are also delivered to all bridged destinations. Bridges are created between one destination and one or more other destinations of the same or of different types.

That is, you can create a bridge from a topic to a queue or from a queue to a topic. You can also create a bridge between one destination and multiple destinations.

For example, you can create a bridge from topic a.b to queue q.b and topic a.c. When specifying a bridge, you can specify a particular destination name, or you can use wildcards. For example, if you specify a bridge on topic foo.* to queue foo.queue, messages delivered to any topic matching foo.* are sent to foo.queue.

23. What types of actions you can have in the group and explain them with examples?

Answer: Groups are used to specify related sets of activities. Grouping allows you to create loops. The main uses of groups are the following:

  • Create a set of activities with only one condition for the group. This allows instead of trying to individually catch errors on each activity. This type of group is similar to a try…catch block in Java.
  • Create sets of activities that are to be repeated. You can repeat the activities once for each item in a list until a condition is true, or if an error occurs.

24. What are the possible transports between adapters and Business process?

Answer: TIBCO Rendezvous Reliable and Certified Message Delivery Modes Active Enterprise Message/Rendezvous Message/XML Message wire formats Possible values are:

Reliable (TIBCO Rendezvous transport type only) Reliable message delivery. Ensures that each multicast or broadcast message is received as long as the physical network and packet recipients are working and that the loss of a message is detected. This choice can compensate for brief network failures because it can retransmit a message on request if the first attempt failed. This choice is appropriate when message delivery is expected but some loss can be tolerated. Messages are received without explicit confirmation.

Certified (TIBCO Rendezvous transport type only) Certified message delivery. Offers stronger assurances of message receipt, along with tighter control, greater flexibility and fine-grained reporting. Guarantees that every certified message reaches its intended recipient in the order sent. (Company)

The message can be sent across network boundaries, and if a network fails, delivery attempts continue until delivery succeeds or Tibco Questions.

25. What are the possible transports between deployed applications and Tibco Administrator?

Answer: HTTP/HTTPS and RV Q What is the tool you need to add a machine to administration domain Domain Utility App manage The App manage utility creates an XML based deployment configuration file where deployment options can be defined. The utility also uploads the deployment file and enterprise archive file into an administrative domain. It can be used to:

Create a deployment configuration file based on information in an enterprise archive file, or from an application already configured in the TIBCO Administrator GUI. Upload an enterprise archive file to an administrative domain without specifying deployment configuration options. After the file is imported, it is ready to be configured and deployed using the TIBCO Administrator GUI. Upload an enterprise archive file and a deployment configuration file into an administrative domain in one operation. The application is uploaded with its deployment options set but is not deployed.

26. What are the differences between global variables, process variables, shared, and job shared variables?

Answer: Shared variables are accessible and changeable through different process definitions.

In the case of Job Shared, it is accessible within execution jobs. It maintains a copy for each job execution.

The process variables are accessible for a specific process when defined.

The global variables are accessible throughout the project. These variables are editable as well in Tibco at runtime.

27. What are the main responsibilities of the TIBCO administration server?


  • Below are the main tasks of the administration domain:
  • Provides security features for domains
  • Provides options for Fault Tolerance and Load balancing.
  • Manages storage of data for administration domains.
  • Manages transport options for applications deployed in a domain.
  • 28. Can we change the adapter from one domain to another?

Answer: Yes, but you will need to uninstall the existing adapter that has joined the current domain and then reinstall the adapter and join it to the new domain. You will also be able to change the domain info directly using Domain Utility.

29. What is deployment?

Answer: A deployment is a completed configured instance of integration or project. TIBCO Designer is used to configuring projects and deployments in the current version. In the future, TIBCO Administrator will be used to manage the deployment of projects.

30. Can you please explain the uses of enterprise service bus (ESB)?

Answer: ESB or enterprise service bus is an integrated, message-based solution, which is distributed, built on open source standards.
Enterprise service bus facilitates reliable, secure communications between various IT resources like platforms, applications, and services distributed across multiple systems all throughout an organization.

31. Where Does The Domain Utility Logs Are Stored?

Answer: Domain Utility logs are written to the log file names domain utility.log and it stored in TIBCO _HOME Traver >logs. The log contains information about user selections in TIBCO Domain Utility.

32. Can you tell me at least four starter activities and when they get executed?


1) Adapter subscriber, adap request response server: Whenever a message comes into a destination queue or network, listens to a request from an adapter and sends a response back to that adapter.

2) File poller : polls for any changes that occur in the file and with any change grab the whole file.

3) Timer: receive notification Starts a process on the time specified ex: before JDBC QUERY, starts a process on receiving of data from a notify activity.

4) Http receiver Starts a process based on a request from the HTTP server.

5) JMS queue receiver, JMS topic subscriber: Starts a process whenever a new message comes into the specified queue, starts a process whenever there is a new message in the specified topic.

6) Receive mail: The Receive Mail process starter polls a POP3 mail server for new mail. When new mail is detected and retrieved, the Receive Mail process starter starts a new process for the process definition it resides in and passes the mail data to the next activity in the process flow.

7) Rv subscriber: The Rendezvous Subscriber process starter creates a process when a TIBCO Rendezvous message on the given subject is received.

8) Email server: The RMI Server process starter registers the specified remote object name with the specified registry server and then creates process instances to handle incoming requests for the object. The process definition acts as the implementation of the specified object.

9) Soap event source: The SOAP Event Source process starter creates a process instance for incoming SOAP requests. SOAP is a standard protocol for invoking web services. This allows you to create a web service using process definitions.

At runtime, a client can retrieve the WSDL file for a process containing this process starter using an HTTP request. Once the WSDL is retrieved, the client can perform a SOAP request to invoke the web service.

10)Top receiver The TCP Receiver process starter starts a new process when a client requests a TCP connection.

33. What are the restrictions of using TIBCO Admin GUI via a secondary server?

Answer: We cannot perform user management, deploy applications or perform any other activity for which read-write access is required.

34. What are the uses of HAWK?

Answer: HAWK is a monitoring tool that can keep an eye on the performance and health of applications and the overall Tibco system. Hawk consists of three components – Hawk Microagent, Hawk Agent, and Hawk Display.

35. What in EMS is a nonresistent, persistent queue?

Answer: Persistent in Enterprise Messaging Service (EMS) is storing messages on database or disk so that data can be retrieved at any point in time from the database or disk when consumers are available.

When messages are not stored on database or disk, it is non-persistent in Enterprise Messaging Service. The messages remain in the EMS server until reaching their expiration limit.

36. How we can see Installed Software using TIBCO administrator and enable/disable them?

Answer: Installed software can be seen using the Resource Management module of TIBCO administrator. We can enable or disable any software from the same window.

37. How Do The Primary And Secondary Servers Communicate About Their States?

Answer: Primary and secondary server engines send the heartbeats to notify each other about their current state. Heartbeats are sent every 10000ms (default), heartbeat interval and if the heartbeat not received then the secondary server waits until activation interval 35000ms (default).

Note: Activation interval is 3.5 times of Heartbeat interval.

38. What is an Application Archive?

Answer: It provides information about the enterprise archive file including package name, version, description, and creation date.

39. What Are Blocking & Non-blocking Activities?

Answer: Depending on whether an activity run on its own private thread or engine thread when it is waiting on an event or when it executed sleep command, can be classified as Blocking & Non-Blocking. Blocking Activities are those which runs on Engine Thread always and Non-Blocking Activities are those which runs on Engine Thread when it’s ready to execute else it will run on Private Thread.

40. What Are The Storage Options Available For Business Works Processes?

Answer: File System (Default) or Database. Using the TIBCO administrator you can configure the location where BW process running on the server store the internal information.

To select File/Dataset storage option to navigate in the admin GUI as below :

Application_Name> Configuration Builder>Process Archive. par> Adavanced> TIBCO ess Works Checkpoint Data Repository.

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