Tibco Spotfire Interview Questions and Answers Pdf

1. What Is Spotfire?
Answer: Only with TIBCO Spotfire. Self-service analytics software designed to authorize every individual in your organization with data-driven decisions. TIBCO Spotfire delivers the total set of analytics, unified on a single, centrally-managed platform. Authorize all your users with smart, fast insights. TIBCO Spotfire is a software platform that allows clients to analyze data by statistics.

2. What Is The Purpose Of Event Candidate Key?
Answer: Expression used to evaluate whether the incoming message is appropriate for this process. This expression is specified in XPath, and only data from the incoming event is available for use in this XPath expression.

3. Why you need “pick First Group”?
Answer: Pick the first groups to allow process execution to wait for one or more events. The first event that completes determines which transition to take to continue processing. For example, as part of an order-entry system, when an order is placed, a check is made to see if the order can be filled from stocked inventory or from returned merchandise. Whichever system returns the information first is used to fill the order. If neither system returns the information about available inventory, the order time out and cancels.

4. What are the differences between global variables, process variables, shared, and job shared variables?
Answer: Shared variables are accessible and changeable through different process definitions.
In the case of Job Shared, it is accessible within execution jobs. It maintains a copy for each job execution.
The process variables are accessible for a specific process when defined.
The global variables are accessible throughout the project. These variables are editable as well in Tibco at runtime.

5. Can you please explain the uses of enterprise service bus (ESB)?
Answer: ESB or enterprise service bus is an integrated, message-based solution, which is distributed, built on open-source standards.
Enterprise service bus facilitates reliable, secure communications between various IT resources like platforms, applications, and services distributed across multiple systems all throughout an organization. 

6. What are the different types of Transactions TIBCO provides?
Answer: TIBCO BusinessWorks offers a variety of types of transactions that can be used in different situations. You can use the type of transaction that suits the needs of your integration project. When you create a transaction group, you must specify the type of transaction.

TIBCO BusinessWorks supports the following types of transactions:

  • JDBC
  • Java Transaction API (JTA) UserTransaction
  • XA Transaction

7. Is That Possible To Change Process Or Shared Variable During Runtime?
Answer: Yes, it’s possible to change process or Shared variables at run time using assign and Set shared Variable activity. 

8. What Are The Different Types Of Variables Are Available? And Explain Them?

Global Variables

These variables allow you to specify constants that can be used throughout the project. The constants can be specified and changed while designing and testing your project. You can also specify different values for each deployment of your project.

 Process variables

These variables allow you to access various data in your project. For example, there are predefined process variables containing the process ID, project name, and other information. You can also create user-defined process variables for containing process-specific data.

Shared variables

These variables allow you to specify data for use across multiple process instances. Because multiple process instances can access the same variable, you can also synchronize access across processes when setting or retrieving the shared variable.

9. What is vcrepo.dat?
Answer: TIBCO Designer creates a file named vcrepo.dat in the project root directory when you first save the project. This file is used to store properties such as display name, TIBCO Rendezvous encoding, and description. This file can be used for identification in place of the project root directory and can be used as the repository locator string (report).

10. Does Copy Create File Activity Allows Creating New Directories?
Answer: Yes. The Create File activity creates a new file or directory with the specified name. When creating a file, you can also provide the file contents.

11. What is Checkpoint? What is the use of it?
The Checkpoint activity performs a checkpoint in a running process instance. A checkpoint saves the current process data and state so that it can be recovered at a later time in the event of a failure. If a process engine fails, all process instances can be recovered and resume execution at the location of their last checkpoint in the process definition. If a process instance fails due to an unhandled exception or manual termination, it can optionally be recovered at a later time, if the process engine is configured to save checkpoint data for failed processes.

12. How Do You Achieve To Store Data From Group Activities For Each Iteration?
Answer: If you wish to store data from each successive iteration of a loop, you can create a process variable and use the Assign activity in the loop to store or alter data for each iteration. For Iterate and Repeat until True loops, you can optionally accumulate the output of each execution of one activity in the group into a list. This list becomes the group’s output and the list is available to subsequent activities in the process definition.

13. What does ‘ Success if no matching condition’ transition mean?
Answer: between two nodes N1 and N2, there are 3 success transitions with the condition and there is no success transition without condition. If none of the conditions match then a ‘Success if no matching condition’ transition can be used.
Also if there is a successful transition and also success transitions with the condition and if the condition matches then both the success transition (no condition) as well as the transition(s) with matching conditions are followed. So you can use ‘Success if no matching condition’ to prevent duplicate paths of execution.

14. How can unauthorized users be prevented from triggering a process?
Answer: Unauthorized users be prevented from triggering a process by giving ‘write’ access for the process engine to only selected users. Only users with ‘write’ access can do activities like deploying applications, starting/stopping process engines, etc. (Tibco Spotfire interview questions and answers pdf)

15. Process engines in a fault-tolerant group can be configured as peers or master secondary. How do these differ?
Answer: The options for configuring storage for process engine’s checkpoint repository are:
Peer means all of them to have the same weight. In this case when one engine fails another one takes over and continues processing till it fails.

In master secondary configuration weights are unequal, the secondary starts processing when the master fails. But when master recovers, secondary stops, and master continues processing.

16. Which activity is used for detecting duplicate message processing?
Answer: CheckPoint activity – Specify the unique ID for the duplicate key field and engine maintains a list of these key fields. When a process come to checkpoint activity with the same value for the duplicate key which already exists, it throws a Duplicate Exception. An error transition can then handle this case.

17. What is the potential problem with JMS Queue requestor?
When we specify a reply-to queue there is a chance of other processes sending messages to the same queue and the JMS queue requestor interpreting that as the actual response and sending this wrong message to the client.

18. What are the resources that get included in the EAR file, created by the TIBCO Designer?
Answer: An EAR file can contain local project resources, Library Builder resources, and files as specified in Alias Library resources. In addition, the TIBCO Designer classpath may include references to other files that are included in the EAR file.

19. What are the possible Error outputs of reading File activity?

Integration can be at different application layers:

File Not Found Exception :

Thrown when the file does not exist.

Unsupported Encoding Exception:

Thrown when the text file’s encoding is not valid and the content of the file is read into process data.

File IO Exception :

Thrown when an I/O exception occurred when trying to read the file.

20. How to control the sequence of execution of process instances created by a process starter?
Use the sequencing key field in the Misc tab of any process starter. Process instances with the same value for this field are executed in the sequence in which they are started. 

21. Which mechanism can be used to pass data between a process instance and a called subprocess other than mapping from/to the callee’s input/output?
Answer: This can be accomplished using job shared variables, unless in the call process activity the ‘Spawn’ flag is enabled in which case the called subprocess is a new job and hence gets a fresh copy of the job shared variable initialized as per its configuration. A shared variable can overcome this limitation as it’s scope is not limited to one job.

22. What is the difference between a shared variable and job shared variable?
Both of them can be manipulated via the palette resources ‘Get shared variable’ and ‘Set shared variable’.

A job shared variable is private to one instance of a job or in other words each job has a fresh copy. In the case of a shared variable, the same copy is shared across all job instances. It can even be persisted and can survive BW engine restarts and even shared across multiple BW engines (when deployed using DB persistence).

23. What is deployment?
 A deployment is a completed configured instance of integration or project. TIBCO Designer is used to configuring projects and deployments in the current version. In the future, TIBCO Administrator will be used to manage the deployment of projects.

24. What are the cases where business process cant proceed correctly subsequent to restart from a checkpoint?
Sending HTTP response, confirming an email/JMS message, etc. This is because the confirmation or sending HTTP response has to do in the same session. When engine crashes these sessions are closed at their socket level. In such cases send response/confirm before the checkpoint.

25. What is the difference between Static and Dynamic destination queues?
Answer: Static EMS queues are created using EMS Administrator or by configuring directly in the configuration file (queues.conf) and are permanent and can be used at the enterprise level. Static queues have a permanent TTL (Time To Live) and they exist till the time they are deleted manually.

On the other hand, dynamic queues are short-lived queues which are created when needed and get expired once they are not in use. Dynamic queues remain alive until at least one client is associated with them.

26. What are TIBCO EMS bridges and why bridges are used?
Answer: Bridges are used to connect multiple destinations (queues or topics) so that same message can be sent to multiple destinations. When a bridge exists between two queues, the message is delivered to both queues.

27. What is the purpose of a Lock shared configuration resource?
Answer: A Lock is specified for a ‘Critical Section’ group when the scope is ‘Multiple’. It can be used to ensure synchronization across process instances belonging to multiple processes definitions or for process instances across engines(Check multi-engine flag for lock in this case and the BW engine needs to be configured with database persistence while deployment). If synchronization is for process instances belonging to the same process definition inside one engine, just specify the scope as ‘Single’. 

28. What is the difference between Queues and Topics?

  • Queues and Topics both are used in message store and transportation in EMS.
  • Queues are used in point to point communication mode whereas Topics are used in Publish-Subscribe communications.
  • Queues can assure the message deliver even if the reader/receiver is not active.
  • Topics case messages cannot be sent if the consumer is not active. but we can assurance by making them as durable.

29. What is the use of bridges in ems?
Using bridge concept in EMS we can send messages between applications to applications without changing the application code. We can simply use the same application logic with defined topics and queues. Here we simply bridge the desired topics to queues or queue to queue or topic to topic vice versa.

If u wants to send message between different messaging destinations within the EMS serve then go for bridge and its unidirectional

30. What is TIBCO Certified Messaging?
Answer: TIBCO certified messaging is an approach to guarantee delivery of every message from sender to its intended recipient. TIBCO certified messaging works on the principle of registration and acknowledgment.

31. What is the use of Spotfire Analytics?
Answer: TIBCO Spotfire Analytics provides an incredibly fast and flexible environment for analyzing critical data to help you and your organization make better and smarter decisions. With powerful in-memory analysis, predictive modeling and a highly visual and intuitive interface, Spotfire gives business and technical professionals the ability to rapidly explore their data, helping them find key insights to give them a unique competitive edge.

Spotfire Analytics is a single platform that spans the spectrum from rapid ad-hoc analysis to building custom analytic applications, from analyzing spreadsheet and database data to real-time and event-driven data, and from desktop-based data exploration to widely distributed web-based interactive dashboards. Incorporating powerful statistics, Spotfire is the most powerful analytic platform in the world, giving individuals and organizations an immediate information advantage over their competitors.

32. What is the use of the Critical section Group?
Answer: Critical section groups are used to synchronize process instances so that only one process instance executes the grouped activities at any given time. 

33. What is the use of “No action Group”?
Answer: You can group a set of related activities, with a common set of transitions into and out of the group. If you do not wish for the activities in the group to repeat, specify the group action to be none. No action groups are primarily useful for specifying a single error transition out of the group so that if an unhandled error occurs in the group, you only need one error transition instead of an error transition for each activity. This behavior is similar to a try…catch block in Java.

34. What is known as Tibco transactions?
Answer: Messages related to the business are transactions in Tibco. There are transactions like JNDI, XA available on Tibco.

35. What in EMS is a nonresistant, persistent queue?
Answer: Persistent in Enterprise Messaging Service (EMS) is storing messages on database or disk so that data can be retrieved at any point in time from the database or disk when consumers are available.
When messages are not stored on database or disk, it is non-persistent in Enterprise Messaging Service. The messages remain in the EMS server until reaching their expiration limit. 

36. What are the different modes of service invocation?
Answer: Services can be invoked in several ways.
A one-way operation is executed once and does not wait for a response.
A request-response operation is executed once and waits for one response. In a request-response service, communication flows in both directions. The complete interaction consists of two point-to-point messages—a request and a response. The interaction is only considered complete after the response has arrived.
Publication (notification) means an operation sends information on an as-needed basis, potentially multiple times.
Subscription means incoming information is processed on an as-needed basis, potentially multiple times.

37. What Is The Difference Between Invoke An Adapter Request-response Service Activity And Adapter Request-response Service Activity?

  • Invoke an Adapter Request-Response.
  • Request a response from an external application to Adapter service
  • Adapter Request-Response Server activity
  • Request a response from adapter service to an external application

38. What is the use of Event time out?
 The amount of time a message will wait (in milliseconds) if it is received before this task is reached in the process. If the event timeout expires, an error is logged and the event is discarded.

If no value is specified in this field, the message waits indefinitely. If zero is specified, the event is discarded immediately, unless this has already been reached.

39. Difference Between Shared Variable And Job Shared Variable?

Shared variable:

Shared Variable resource allows you to share data across process instances. All process instances can read and update the data stored in a shared variable. This type of shared variable is useful if you wish to pass data across process instances or if you wish to make a common set of information available to all process instances

 Job shared variable:

Job Shared Variable resource is similar to a Shared Variable, but its scope is limited to the current job. A copy of the variable is created for each new process instance. This type of shared variable is useful for passing data to and from sub-processes without creating an input or output schema for the called process.

40. What Is The Difference Between Concrete Wsdl And Abstract Wsdl?
Answer: The Abstract WSDL describes the interface of the web service which includes the format of request and response messages of each operation.

The Concrete WSDL describes the abstract WSDL plus transport information. Concrete WSDL contains messages, operations and transport specific information (JMS or Http), which is used by SOAP client. 

41. How do you use XSLT file?
Answer: The Transform XML activity allows you to transform an input XML document into the output specified by the given XSLT File shared configuration resource.

42. In how anyways can we create EAR files?
Answer: We can build EAR files in 2 ways. One method is using the Enterprise Archive pallete in the Tibco designer and adding the process archive we can build EAR file.

Another method is from the cmd prompt. We use the command app manager and builder.

43. What is the inspector activity does?
Answer: the inspector activity is used to obtain the output of any activity or all the activities and process variables.
Scenario: You can use the inspector activity to write the output of any activity or process variable in the current process. Activities and process variables in a subprocess are not available to the Inspector activity (but the output of a Call Process activity can be written using the Inspector activity). If you wish to obtain the output from one or more activities or process variables in a subprocess, place the Inspector activity in the process definition of the subprocess.

44. What are the shared variables and process variables?
Process variables: Process variables are data structures available to the activities in the process. You can define your own process variables and assign values to them in your process definition. Process variables are defined in the Process Variables tab of the Process Definition resource. And assigning values to this kind of variables is done using the assign activity.

Shared variables: A Shared Variable resource allows you to share data across process instances. All process instances can read and update the data stored in a shared variable. This type of shared variable is useful if you wish to pass data across process instances or if you wish to make a common set of information available to all process instances.

45. What are message selectors?
Message selectors are used to filtering messages based on expression syntax. This reduces the processing overhead from the application. 

46. What is SQL direct? What is it used for?
Answer: SQL direct is used to execute command dynamically using the output of other activities. This activity allows you to execute commands which other activities in the JDBC don’t allow like DDL command creates a table.

47. What is vcrepo.dat and when this file is created in TIBCO?
Answer: Vcrepo.dat file is used to store certain properties like TIBCO RV encoding, display name; description, etc. crepe. dat file gets created automatically when a TIBCO BW project is saved for the first time. This file can be used for identification purposes.

48. What are different Panels of TIBCO designer window and what is the purpose of each?

There are following four types of panels available in TIBCO designer window:

Project Panel: This panel shows the project hierarchy.

Design Panel: This panel is used to design new BW Processes in TIBCO.

Palette Panel: This Panel has all the available Palettes with bundled activities which can be dragged and used in design panel during process development.

Configuration Panel: Configurations including input, output details for any activity are specified in the configuration panel.

49. What are the options for configuring storage for process engine’s checkpoint repository?

The options for configuring storage for process engine’s checkpoint repository are:

Local File: Information is stored in a local file which in case of engine crash/failure and the same information is used to resume the process flow once the engine is up. This mechanism works only in case of a single server or load balancing approach.

Database: Information is stored in a database table which is used to resume the engine later. Fault-tolerant engines can recover from a checkpoint only when the database is used.

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