Agile Testing Interview Questions And Answers

1. What is the difference between burn-up and burn-down charts?Answer: Burn-up and burn-down charts are used to keep track of the progress of the project.Burn-up charts represent how much work has been completed in any project whereas Burn-down chart represents the remaining work in a project.

2. Explain the Iterative and Incremental Development in Agile?Answer: Iterative Development: Software is developed and delivered to the customer and based on the feedback again developed in cycles or releases and sprints. Say in Release 1 software is developed in 5 sprints and delivered to the customer. Now the customer wants some changes, then development team plan for 2nd release which can be completed in some sprints and so on.

Incremental Development: Software is developed in parts or increments. In each increment a portion of the complete requirement is delivered.

3. What is the Application Binary Interface?Answer: Application Binary Interface or ABI defines an interface for complied application programs or we can say it describes the low-level interface between an application and the operating system.

4. What qualities should a good Agile tester have?Answer: The agile tester should be able to understand the requirements quickly.They should know Agile concepts and principals.As requirements keep changing, testers should understand the risk involved in it.The agile tester should be able to prioritize the work based on the requirements.Communication is a must for an agile tester as it requires constant communication with developers and business associates.

5. How a tracer bullet can be used?Answer: Tracer bullet can be used as a spike with the current architecture or the current set of best practices. The purpose of a tracer bullet is to examine how an end-to-end process will work and examine feasibility.Tracer ammunition, which is a part of bullet built with a small pyrotechnic charge in their baseIt is a fictional detective, alter ego of Calvin in the comic strip Calvin and HobbesIt is used in Scrum (software development)to describe a proof-of-concept deliverablePathfinder (library science) – a term for those pathfinders produced by the Library of Congress.

6. Does maximum velocity mean maximum productivity?Answer: No, in an attempt to maximize velocity, a team may, in fact, achieve the opposite. If asked to maximize velocity, a team may skimp on unit or acceptance testing, reduce customer collaboration, skip fixing bugs, minimize re-factoring. While potentially offering short-term improvement (if you can call it that), there will be a negative long-term impact. The goal is not to maximize velocity instead the optimal velocity over time, which takes into account many factors including quality of the end product.

7. Outlines the roles in Scrum?Answer:

There square measure principally 3 roles that commencement groups have:1. Project Owner–A product owner is really the neutral of a project. He represents a project necessities before the team. he’s accountable to own a vision of what to create and convey his elaborate vision to the team.2. Commencement Master–Commencement team is made by the collective contribution of people World Health Organization perform for the accomplishment of a selected project. A team is absolute to work for the timely delivery of a requested product. (Online training Institute)3. Commencement Team–Commencement master is that a leader and also a coach for the commencement team World Health Organization checks whether or not the commencement team is capital punishment committed tasks properly.

8. What do you mean by defect burn down chart?Answer: It is the representation of a number of defects that are identified and then removed.

9. What do you mean by release burndown chart?Answer: The release burndown chart represents the pending releases that were planned earlier.

10. What are the different roles in Scrum?Answer: The three scrum roles i.e. Scrum Master, Product Owner, and Team should be explained with the details of a few primary responsibilities of each role. You can add more details as mentioned below for a particular depending on the role you are getting interviewed for.

Product owner – A product owner is actually the stakeholder of the project. He represents the project requirements before the team. He is responsible to have a vision of what to build and convey his detailed vision to the team. He is the starting point of an agile scrum software development project.

Scrum team – Scrum team is formed by the collective contribution of individuals who perform for the accomplishment of a particular project. The team is bound to work for the timely delivery of the requested product.

Scrum Master – Scrum master is the leader and the coach for the scrum team who checks whether the scrum team is executing committed tasks properly. He is also responsible to increase the efficiency and productivity of the team so that they can achieve the sprint goal effectively.

11. How have you done user story mapping & estimation of stories in your projects?Answer: This question is to under how you have done story writing, mapping, and estimation. Have you used any estimation techniques like planning poker, t-shirt, sizing, etc? Whatever technique you used in your project just mention it very clearly.

12. What is the difference and similarity between Agile and Scrum?Answer: Difference between Agile and Scrum – Agile is a broad spectrum, it is a methodology used for project management while Scrum is just a form of the Agile that describes the process and its steps more concisely. Agile is a practice whereas scrum is a procedure to pursue this practice.

The similarity between Agile and Scrum – The Agile involves completing projects in steps or incrementally. The Agile methodology is considered to be iterative in nature. Being a form of Agile, Scrum is the same as that of the Agile. It is also incremental and iterative.

13. Explain Velocity in Agile?Answer: Velocity is a metric that is calculated by the addition of all efforts estimates associated with user stories completed in one iteration. It predicts how much work Agile can complete in a sprint and how much time will it require to complete a project.

14. What are the three other agile frameworks?Answer:

The three agile frameworks are:-

  • Test-driven development
  • Feature-driven development
  • Kanban

15. What do you mean by product burndown chart?Answer: The product burn down chart is the graphical representation of a description that shows implementation and the non-implemented product backlog.

16. Explain what is a story point in the scrum?Answer: It can be considered as a unit to estimate the total efforts required to complete or to do the particular task or implementing a backlog.

17. In what way does agile testing(development) methodology differ from the other testing(development) methodologies?Answer: In Agile methodology, the code is broken into small parts and at a time, only that particular code is worked or tested. Continuous communication on the particular code part is done by a team so that the focus is only on that particular code. This makes the agile process more flexible and focused.

18. What is a Release candidate?Answer: The release candidate is a code /version /build released to make sure that during the last development period, no critical problem is left behind. It is used for testing and is equivalent to the final build.

19. Describe the main roles in the scrum?Answer:

  • Scrum team – It is consists of an individual person who is in charge of working collectively to complete a certain task.
  • Scrum Master – this person is responsible for the paper execution of end result of the scrum team.
  • Product owner – he or she has the responsibility of delivering a whole concept of what to build and then convey the idea to the team.

20. What do you mean by release candidate?Answer: To make sure that during the last development stage there is no critical problem left behind a code or version or a build is released which is known as a release candidate. This is equivalent to final build and it is used for testing.

21. How long the scrum cycle las?Answer:

1) Basically, the Scrum cycle depends on the project size and team size. Team size may vary from 3 members to 9 members. Normally it takes 3 to 4 weeks to complete a Scrum sprint. On an average, a scrum sprint ends in 4 weeks. (Agile Training)

22. What is the importance of a daily stand up meeting?Answer:

Daily stand up meeting is essential for any team in which-

Team discusses how much work has been completed.What are the plans to resolve technical issues?What steps need to done to complete the projects etc.

23. What is Scrum ban?Answer: It is a software development model which is a combination of scrum and kanban. Scrumban is considered for maintenance projects in which there are frequent changes or unexpected user stories. It can reduce the minimum completion time for user stories.

24. What is the Sprint Burndown Chart?Answer: A graph that shows how many Sprints implemented/not implemented by the Scrum Team.

25. When do we use the Agile Scrum Methodology?Answer:

i. When the client is not so clear on requirementsii. When the client expects quick releasesiii. When the client doesn’t give all the requirements at a time.

26. Scrum is an Agile framework, right? Name a few other Agile frameworks?Answer:

i. When the client is not so clear on requirementsii. When the client expects quick releasesiii. When the client doesn’t give all the requirements at a time.

27. Scrum is an Agile framework, right? Name a few other Agile frameworks?Answer:

Yes, Scrum is an Agile framework. Few other Agile frameworks are –

Feature Driven DevelopmentTest-Driven DevelopmentKanbanWhile answering this type of Agile Scrum interview questions please note that name the frameworks you are familiar with or have followed.Don’t you still know the importance of learning Scrum for software developers? Read the article why should software developers learn Scrum.

28. How does agile testing (development) methodology differ from other testing (development) methodologies?Answer: In agile testing methodology, the entire testing process is broken into a small segment of codes and in each step, these codes are tested. There are several processor plans involved in this methodology like communication with the team, short strategical changes to get the optimal result, etc. (Company)

29. What do you know about ‘build-breaker?Answer: When sometimes developers accidentally commit bug in the software and when such bug stops the compilation processor generates the warning or failure in the normal execution of testing, we say that the build is broken and the major priority of the tester is to get back again to the normal stage by resolving the bug issue.

30. What is a sprint planning meeting?Answer: A sprint planning meeting is joined by all entities like scrum master, product owner and whole scrum team where they discuss the priority features of the team and product backlog items.

31. Explain the term ‘increment’?Answer: When the team finishes the sprint, hopefully, they have completed everything they forecasted. The sum of all the product backlog items which were completed in a sprint is called increments. This new increment also has the value of increment of the previous sprints.

32. How QA can add value to an agile team?Answer: When the team finishes the sprint, hopefully, they have completed everything they forecasted. The sum of all the product backlog items which were completed in a sprint is called increments. This new increment also has the value of increment of the previous sprints.

33. What is Spike?Answer: There may be some technical issues or design problem in the project which needs to be resolved first. To provide the solution of this problem “Spikes” are created. Spikes are of two types- Functional and Technical.

34. What is the Product backlog & Sprint Backlog?Answer: The product backlog is maintained by the project owner which contains every feature and requirement of the product.

Sprint backlog can be treated as a subset of product backlog which contains features and requirements related to that particular sprint only.

35. Define the roles in Scrum??Answer:

There are mainly three roles that a Scrum team have:

Project Owner – who has the responsibility of managing the product backlog. Works with end-users and customers and provide proper requirement to the team to build the proper product.Scrum Master – who works with the scrum team to make sure each sprint gets complete on time. Scrum master ensures proper workflow for the team.Scrum Team – Each member of the team should be self-organized, dedicated and responsible for the high quality of the work.

36. How do you deal when requirements change frequently?Answer:

This question is to test the analytical capability of the candidate. Answer can be-

Work with the PO to understand the exact requirement to update test cases. Also, understand the risk of changing the requirement. Apart from this one should be able to write generic test plans and test cases. Don’t go for the automation until requirements are finalized.

37. Explain Pair Programming and its benefits?Answer: Pair programming is a technique in which two programmer works as a team in which one programmer writes code and other one reviews that code. They both can switch their roles.


Improved code quality: As the second partner reviews the code simultaneously, it reduces the chances of mistake.Knowledge transfer is easy: One experience partner can teach another partner about the techniques and codes.

Note: Browse latest  Agile interview questions and agile tutorial. Here you can check Agile Training details and  Agile training videos for self learning. Contact +91 988 502 2027 for more information.






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