Linux Course

Linux Course Duration: 18 hours | Version: 6,7 | Admin | CentOS. Top IT MNC such as Wipro, IBM, Infosys, Accenture, etc., The average salary of a Linux System Administrator is ₹ 494,132 per year.

Linux Training pre-requisites?

Need to have solid foundation in c programming language.

Linux is the best-known and most-used open source operating system. As an operating system, Linux is software that sits underneath all of the other software on a computer, receiving requests from those programs and relaying these requests to the computer’s hardware.

Linux Course Topics

▶ Linux Demo Session. (51:37 mins)

▶ Session 01 - Introduction. (24:00 mins)

▶ Session 02 - Grub Intro, Basic Commands. (38:43 mins)

▶ Session 03 - Basic Commands part-2, OS installation, (output redirection). (47:48 mins)

▶ Session 04 - System Date Time Change, Backup Creation (tar), Data Compression, Vi Editor, Important Directory. (44:16 mins)

▶ Session 05 - Root user's password recovery, Make Password protected GRUB, Password recovery from fully locked system. (46:48 mins)

▶ Session 06 - Process Management. (41:37 mins)

▶ Session 07 - Job Scheduling Cron,At. (35:23 mins)

▶ Session 08 - AWK, SED, GREP, fstab intro,RPM Packages, SELinux intro, User and group Management. (51:46 mins)

▶ Session 09 - User Management and Permissions. (44:49 mins)

▶ Session 10 - Permissions-2, sudo, su, wheel, chmod, Chown, suid, sgid. (61:46 mins)

▶ Session 11 - Permissions, UMASK, ACL, Softlink and Hard links. (41:42 mins)

▶ Session 12 - Disk Management , fdisk, lsblk, Disk Quota. (53:29 mins)

▶ Session 13 - Disk Management Part-2, LVM. (43:25 mins)

▶ Session 14 - Networking, IP addressing and classes, nmcli, nmtui, setup hostname and FQDN. (45:10 mins)

▶ Session 15 - Networking Part 2, Firewall, Yum Repo Server Creation. (49:49 mins)

▶ Session 16 - Yum Client Configuration, ftp server configuration. (54:13 mins)

▶ Session 17 - Apache Server Configuration Deep Dive. (38:23 mins)

▶ Session 18 - Apache post based hosting, Self Sign SSL Certificate installation. (47:45 mins)

▶ Session 19 - SSH server configuration with key based authentication. (41:36 mins)

▶ Session 20 - DNS server configuration. (34:56 mins)

▶ Session 21 - DHCP, NFS, Server Configuration. (43:01 mins)

▶ Session 22 - Mail Server Configuration, Postfix, Dovecot, Squirrel mail. (37:29 mins)

▶ Session 23 (1) - Squirrel Mail Configuration, PXE Server Installation. (7:52 mins)

▶ Session 23 (2) - Squirrel Mail Configuration, PXE Server Installation. (58:39 mins)

Linux Training Videos Complimentary Links & Materials

📝 Linux System Administration

📝 Linux System-Admin Book

📝 User-Access-Management

📝 RHEL 7 Network Admin

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