Power BI Interview Questions and Answers - 2020 Updated

1. What is a Power BI?

Power BI is a Business Intelligence and Data Visualization apparatus which causes you to change over information from the different information source into intelligent dashboards and BI reports. It gives different programming connectors and administrations read more.

2. What is the format available in Power BI?

  • Power BI Desktop—for PCs
  • Power BI administration—an online SaaS (programming as an assistance)
  • Portable Power BI applications—for iOS and Android gadgets

These can be utilized related. For instance, you may make a report on your work area, and afterward distribute and share it on the web with the goal that associates on cell phones can understand it.

3. What are the Different Components in Power BI?

  • Power Pivot
  • Power Query
  • Power Map
  • Power View
  • Data Management Gateway
  • Data Catalog
  • Power BI Q&A

4. Why use Power BI?

Here are four essential purposes behind using Power BI apparatus:

  • Pre-fabricated dashboards and reports for SaaS Solutions.
  • Power BI permits continuous dashboard refreshes.
  • Offers Secure and dependable association with your information sources in the cloud or on-premises
  • Power BI offers quick sending, half and half design, and secure condition.
  • Causes you in information investigation utilizing normal language question

5. What is a content pack, and why would you use one?

A substance pack is an instant, predefined assortment of perceptions and reports utilizing your picked administration (for instance, Salesforce). You’d utilize one when you need to get ready for action rapidly, rather than making a report without any preparation.

6. What are the Parts of Microsoft’s Self-Service Business Intelligence Solutions?

  • Excel BI Toolkit: Allows clients to make reports (Is Power BI a Reporting Tool) intuitively through information bringing in from particular information sources just as model information as per the necessity.
  • Power BI: It is the online arrangement that enables clients for sharing intuitive reports and inquiries that you have made with Excel BI Toolkit.

7. What are the important components of Power BI?

Important components of Power BI are:

  • Data Integration
  • Data Processing
  • Data Presentation

8. Describe DAX

DAX represents Data Analysis Expressions. It’s an assortment of capacities, administrators, and constants utilized in equations to figure and bring values back. At the end of the day, it encourages you make new information from the information you as of now have.

9. What is the Differentiate between Power BI and Power BI Pro?

Power BI offers unmistakable sorts of highlights to assist you with beginning in scanning for information in a totally new way. Power BI Pro, then again, caters with some extra highlights like planning information, live information sources, stockpiling limit, alongside complete intelligence and substantially more.

10. What is Dax Function?

It is a formula expression language called (DAX) that can be used with various visualization tools like Power BI. It is also known as a functional language, where the full code is kept inside a function.

11. What are the three fundamental concepts of DAX?

  • Syntax:-This is the means by which the equation is composed—that is, the components that include it. The Syntax incorporates capacities, for example, SUM (utilized when you need to include figures). In the event that the sentence structure isn’t right, you’ll get a blunder message.
  • Functions:-These are equations that utilization explicit qualities (otherwise called contentions) in a specific request to play out a figuring, like the capacities in Excel. The classifications of capacities are date/time, time insight, data, legitimate, scientific, factual, content, parent/kid and other.
  • Context:-There are two sorts: line setting and channel setting. At whatever point an equation has a capacity that applies channels to distinguish a solitary line in a table, line setting becomes possibly the most important factor. At the point when at least one channels are applied in a figuring that decides an outcome or worth, the channel setting becomes an integral factor.

12. Define Excel BI Toolkit?

Excel BI Toolkit allows users for creating an interactive report with importing data from a distinct range of sources and model data according to requirement.

13. What are the data types of Dax?

    • Numeric
    • Boolean
    • DateTime
    • String
    • Decimal

14. Why and how would you use a custom visual file?

You’d utilize a custom visual document if the prepackaged records don’t fit the requirements of your business. Custom visual documents are made by designers, and you can import them and use them similarly as you would the pre-bundled records.

15. What does the term Power BI Desktop mean?

Power BI Desktop is a free application that can be introduced on your PC to work in union with the Power BI administration through contribution molding, displaying, information investigation, and report creation utilizing high intuitive representations. Moreover, it permits you to spare your all work to a record to distribute reports and information to the Power BI site for offering to other people.

16. What are the essential applications of the Power BI?

    • PMO – Project Management Office
    • Business & Data Analyst
    • Developer & Database Administrator
    • IT Team, IT Professional
    • Consumer for End User Report
    • Data Scientist

17. What are some of the most common sources for data in the Get Data menu?

    • Excel
    • Power BI datasets
    • web
    • text
    • SQL server and analysis services

18. What are the basics needed for using Power BI?

    • To utilize Power BI, you have to have an internet browser and a work email address.
    • Work email Addres to completing in .mil and .gov are not upheld right now.

19. What are the drawbacks of using Power BI?

    • Dashboards and reports just imparted to clients having indistinguishable email areas.
    • Force Bl doesn’t blend imported information, which is gotten to from constant associations.
    • Force BI can’t acknowledge record size bigger than 1 GB.
    • Dashboard doesn’t acknowledge or pass client, account, or other substance parameters.

20. What are the categories of data types?

    • All
    • File
    • Database
    • Power BI
    • Azure
    • Online Services
    • Others

20. Name out three important Power BI tools

    • Power BI Desktop—It is used for desktop computers
    • Power BI service—It is an online software as a service tool
    • Mobile Power BI apps—They are used for iOS and Android devices.

21. Name some commonly used tasks in the Query Editor.

  • Connect to data
  • Shape and combine data
  • Group rows
  • Pivot columns
  • Create custom columns
  • Query formulas

22. What is the need of signing up with work email?

Power BI doesn’t email addresses gave by broadcast communications suppliers and buyer email administrations, in this manner there is a need of joining with work email.

23. What are the important components of the Power BI toolkit, and what do they do?

  • Power Query: It allows you to discover, access, and consolidate information from different sources.
  • Power Pivot: A modeling tool.
  • Power View: It is a presentation tool for creating charts, tables, and more.
  • Power Map: Helps you to create geospatial representations of your data.
  • Power Q&A: Allows you to use natural language to get answers to questions.

24. What is grouping, and how would you use it?

Power BI Desktop bunches the information in your visuals into pieces. You can, be that as it may, characterize your own gatherings and containers. For gathering, use Ctrl + snap to choose various components in the visual. Right-click one of those components and, from the menu that shows up, pick Group. In the Groups window, you can make new gatherings or alter existing ones.

  Power BI Training from Real-time Experts. Check How long does it Take to Learn Power BI.

25. What is grouping? How can you use it?

Power BI Desktop permits you to bunch the information into little pieces. For gathering, you should utilize Ctrl + snap to choose different components in the visual. Right-click one of those components which show up in bunches window.

26. Describe responsive slicers.

On a report page, you can resize a responsive slicer to various sizes and shapes, and the information contained in it will be modified to coordinate. On the off chance that a visual turns out to be too little to ever be valuable, a symbol speaking to the visual has its spot, sparing space on the report page.

27. Is there any support by Power BI available for mobile devices?

Yes, Power BI supports mobile devices. It consists of apps for iOS devices, Windows 10 devices, and Android smartphones. You can install Power BI apps from the below app stores:

  • Google Play
  • Apple Store
  • Windows Store

28. Explain the term responsive slicers.

On a report page, you can without much of a stretch resize a responsive slicer to different sizes and shapes, and the information contained in it ought to be modified by it. On the off chance that if the visual turns out to be too little to be in any way valuable, a symbol speaking to the visual capacity to have its spot, in this way sparing the space on the report page.

29. In Power Query, what is query folding?

This is when steps characterized in the Query Editor are converted into SQL and executed by the source database, rather than by your own gadget. It assists with adaptability and proficient preparing.

30. What are the Building blocks in Power BI?

  • Visualizations
  • Data Sets
  • Reports
  • Dashboard
  • Tiles

31. Define the term ‘M language.”

It is a programming language utilized in Power Query. It’s a useful, case-touchy language which is like other programming dialects and simple to utilize.

32. What are the differences between visual-level filters, page-level filters, and report-level filters?

Visual-level channels channel information inside a solitary perception. Page-level channels take a shot at a whole page in a report, and various pages can have various channels. Report-level channels channel all the perceptions and pages in the report.

33. What is Visualization?

Visualization is a process to represent data in pictorial form like tables, graphs or charts based on the specific requirement.

34. What information is required to create a map in Power Map?

Power Map can show representations which are topographical in nature. That is the reason an area information is required, for instance, city, state, nation or scope and longitude.

35. How does the Schedule Refresh feature work?

You can design a programmed reviving of information every day or week after week, and at various occasions. You can plan just one invigorate most extreme day by day except if you have Power BI Pro. In the Schedule Refresh segment, just utilize the pulldown menu decisions to choose a recurrence, time region and time of day.

36. What are Tiles in Power BI?

Tile is an important feature of power BI services and can be said as a picture of the data which can be pinned to the dashboard.

37. What is a Report?

The report is a Power BI highlight which is a consequence of pictured information from a solitary informational index. A report can have different pages of perception.

38. What is on-premise gateway?

On-premise entryway goes about as an extension which causes you to move the information, which is on-premise (not on the cloud) securely and safely.

39. What is Power Pivot and what are the filter writes in Power BI?

Power Pivot is an in-memory segment that empowers putting away compacted information. It is utilized to assemble information models, connections, making equations, determined sections from various assets.

Filters are applicable in:

  • Visualization level
  • Report Level
  • Page-Level

40. Name two types of connectivity modes in Power BI?

  • Import
  • Direct Query

41. What data sources can Power BI connect to?

  • Amazon Redshift
  • Azure Data Explorer
  • AtScale (Beta)
  • Azure SQL Database
  • Azure HDInsight Spark
  • Google BigQuery
  • Azure SQL Data Warehouse
  • HDInsight Interactive Query

42. Explain the term data alerts.

Ready takes a shot at information that is revived, Power BI searches for a caution, and it arrives at the ready edge or the breaking point then the modify will be activated.

43. Why do we need BI?

You can take information and make reports at the snap of a catch.

You can take information and make reports at a catch click. It helps in pulling in new clients to administration and screen existing clients.

You can monitor data and set your objectives likewise. All in all, fabricating an ETL arrangement (Extraction, Transformation, and Loading) eventually assists with settling on better choices.

The ROI is high

Assists with making undesirable information into dynamic data

44. What is the calculated column?

It is a calculating expression of DAX which allows calculation on data stored in a new column.

45. Does Power BI store data?

Datasets are the information sources that are transferred or associated with databases. These sources incorporate Excel exercise manuals and Power BI Desktop documents. Coming up next are likewise remembered for your information limit. Revealing Services on-premises representations are stuck to a Power BI dashboard.

46. What is query collapsing?

The way toward changing over the means in power question manager to SQL and executing it by the source database is called inquiry crumbling.

47. What must be installed to use Power BI?

To utilize the Power BI administration for nothing, you need a work email and an internet browser. With this, you can investigate information just as make reports in Power BI Desktop. The versatile application can be downloaded from the accompanying stores:

Google Play, App Store and Windows Store.

48. Explain data source filter.

It is a parameter to filter the data into machines.

49. How one can get started with Power BI?

  • Webinars
  • Power BI Blog
  • You can get started with an article on Power BI
  • You can get started with a video on YouTube
  • Last but not least, joining a related community and get answered

50. What is content packs?

These are pre-manufactured arrangements work for well known administrations as a significant piece of the Power BI experience.

51. What is the difference Between SUM() and SUMX()?

Sum function (Sum()) takes the data columns and aggregates it totally but SumX function (SumX()) lets you filter the data which you are adding.

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