Red Hat Linux Training pre-requisites?
Basic Knowledge on Computers and Networking.
Red Hat Linux Course Topics
▶ Redhat Linux Online Demo. (21:16 mins)
▶ Class 01 - Introduction to Linux. (57:49 mins)
▶ Class 02 - Linux Command Line Basics. (57:13 mins)
▶ Class 03 - Redhat Enterprise Linux Installation and Configuration. (80:16 mins)
▶ Class 04 - Introduction to GNOME DESKTOP, SSH Access to Redhat and Basic Commands. (58:36 mins)
▶ Class 05 - Using Basic Linux Tools. (114:29 mins)
▶ Class 06 - Vi Editor, Man pages and Folder Structure Tree in Redhat. (90:19 mins)
▶ Class 07 - Regular Expressions and Input/Output Redirection. (76:52 mins)
▶ Class 08 - Input/Output Redirection (Part 2). (57:27 mins)
▶ Class 09 - Permissions in Linux, Logging in and Switching Users and Changing hostname. (72:14 mins)
▶ Class 10 - New IP command, Absolute and Relative Paths, Directory Listing Attributes, Changing Password for users, Creating files and Directories, Linux File Types, Find and Locate Command, Wildcards in Linux, Hardlinks and Softlinks. (91:46 mins)
▶ Class 11 - File System Permissions, CHMOD, CHOWN and CHGRP. (72:50 mins)
▶ Class 12 - Tab Completion, Adding Text to Files and Pipes. (67:00 mins)
▶ Class 13 - Tee, Cut and AWK Commands. (92:20 mins)
▶ Class 14 - Grep, egrep, Sort, Uniq Commands. (71:06 mins)
▶ Class 15 - Comparing files, Truncate file size, combining and Spliting files and Finding System Information (Part 01). (15:20 mins)
▶ Class 15 - Comparing files, Truncate file size, combining and Spliting files and Finding System Information (Part 02). (19:06 mins)
▶ Class 16 - Linux Boot Sequence and VI Editor Advanced. (63:31 mins)
▶ Class 17 - User Account Management and Switching Users. (76:28 mins)
▶ Class 18 - Monitoring User Commands and System Utility Commands. (70:55 mins)
▶ Class 19 - Processes and Crontab. (63:33 mins)
📝 Processes
📝 Crontab
▶ Class 20 - System Resource Command, Terminal Control keys, Top Command and Recover Root Password. (82:52 mins)
📝 System-Resource-Commands
📝 Terminal-Control-Keys
📝 top-command
📝 Recover-Root-Password
▶ Class 21 - Talking to users in Linux (users, wall and write). (55:33 mins)
▶ Class 22 - Systemctl Command. (57:50 mins)
📝 Systemctl
▶ Class 23 - Iostat, dmesg, netstat and daemon.. (57:29 mins)
📝 Netstat and Daemon
📝 dmesg
▶ Class 24 - Free, Hostname and Terminal Commands System maintenance commands ( shutdown, init-Runlevels, Reboot and Halt). (51:14 mins)
📝 Terminal Commands
📝 System Maintenance Command
📝 hostname
📝 Free Command
▶ Class 25 - Network components, Network commands, Network interface card and wget. (63:49 mins)
▶ Class 26 - FTP, SCP, NSLOOKUP, DIG, Sending mail through terminal (mail command). (55:20 mins)
▶ Class 27 - Repos, updates and Upgrades, DNS, NTP, HTTPD (hosting a website Locally) and LDAP introduction. (61:21 mins)
▶ Class 28 - NFS, FSCK, FSDISK, FSTAB and LVM. (50:16 mins)
▶ Class 29 - Linux : Kickstart installation. (63:48 mins)
Red Hat Linux Tutorial Complimentary links & Materials
📝 Linux Commands Complete
📝 Linux Networking Commands
📝 Commands-Recap
📝 User Management Commands
📝 VI Commands
📝 200-Interview-questions
📝 Linux-Admin-Job-Description
📝 RHEL 7 Cheat Sheet
📝 WordPress Website - Document for project done in AWS Class