Weblogic Server Tutorial | Weblogic Tutorial for Beginners

1. Question: Can I Use a One-Phase Commit If My WebLogic JMS JDBC Store is On the Same Database For Which I am Doing Other Database Work?

Answer: No. WebLogic JMS is its own resource manager. That is JMS itself implements XAResource and handles the transactions without depending on the database (even when the messages are stored in the database). That means whenever you are using JMS and a database (even if it is the same database as the JMS messages are stored) then it is 2PC.
You may find it will aid performance if you ensure the connection pool used for the database work exists on the same server as the JMS queue—the transaction will still be two-phase, but it will be handled with less network overhead. Another performance boost might be achieved by using JMS file stores rather than JMS JDBC stores.

2. Question: When Do WebLogic JMS Operations Take Place as Part of a Transaction Context?

Answer: When WebLogic JMS is used inside the server, JMS sessions may automatically be enlisted in the JTA transaction depending on the setting of various parameters. Prior to release 8.1, WebLogic JMS sessions would automatically be enlisted in the JTA transaction if either of the following two conditions were met:
The XAConnectionFactoryEnabled and UserTransactionsEnabled flags were set on the connection factory.
The XAServerEnabled flag was set on the connection factory.
In WebLogic Server 8.1, it is only necessary to set the XAConnectionFactoryEnabled flag. The old flags are still supported for backward compatibility, however.
When a WebLogic JMS connection factory is registered as a resource-reference inside an EJB, servlet, or JSP, and the connection factory is looked up out of the java: comp/env JNDI tree, then the EJB container checks to make sure that the appropriate flags are set for transaction enlistment. If the WebLogic JMS connection factory does not support automatic transaction enlistment, then the EJB container will throw an exception if a JMS session is used inside a transaction context. When used without a resource-reference however, such as in the case of an EJB that looks up a JMS connection factory directly, without using java: comp/env, then no checking takes place. If the JMS session is used outside a JTA transaction, then no enlistment takes place.
The default connection factory, weblogic.jms.ConnectionFactory does not support automatic transaction enlistment. If you desire this behavior, you must use the weblogic.jms.XAConnectionFactory factory. (The legacy connection factories  javax.jms.QueueConnectionFactory and javax.jms.TopicConnectionFactory supports automatic transaction enlistment as well.

3. Question: Why is My WebLogic JMS Work Not Part of a User Transaction (That is, Called Within a Transaction But Not Rolled Back Appropriately) How Do I Track Down Transaction Problems?

Answer: Usually this problem is caused by explicitly using a transacted session which ignores the external, global transaction by design (a JMS specification requirement). A transacted JMS session always has its own inner transaction. It is not affected by any transaction context that the caller may have.
It may also be caused by using a connection factory that is configured with the XAConnectionFactoryEnabled flag set to false.
1. You can check if the current thread is in a transaction by adding these two import lines:
import javax.transaction.*
import weblogic.transaction.*;
and adding the following lines (i.e., just after the begin and just before every operation).
Transaction tran = TxHelper.getTransaction();
This should give a clear idea of when new transactions are starting and when the infection is occurring.
2. Ensure that the thread sending the JMS message is infected with a transaction. Check that the code is not using a transacted session by setting the first parameter of createQueueSession or createTopicSession to false. Note that creating the connection and/or session is orthogonal to the transaction. You can begin your transaction before or after. You need only start the transaction before you send or receive messages.
3. Check that the XAConnectionFactoryEnabled flag is explicitly set to true for the connection factory in the config.xml file since the default for user-configured connection factories for this value is false. If you are using one of the pre-configured connection factories they are set as follows:
weblogic.jms.ConnectionFactory disables user transactions so don’t use this one for the case where user transactions are desired;
javax.jms.QueueConnectionFactory and javax.jms.TopicConnectionFactory enables user transactions.

4. You can trace JTA operations by starting the server with this additional property:
You should see trace statements like these in the log:
XA! XA(3163720,487900) <RM-isTransactional() ret=true>
This can be used to ensure that JMS is infected with the transaction.

4. Question: How Do I Integrate Non-WebLogic JMS Providers With WLS?

Answer: Refer to “Simple Access to Remote or Foreign JMS Providers” in the Administration Console Online Help and the “Using Foreign JMS Providers with WebLogic Server” white paper (jmsproviders.pdf) on the JMS topic page, for a discussion on integrating MQ Series, IBus MessageServer, Fiorano, and SonicMQ.

5. Question: How Do I Use HTTP Tunneling?

Answer: If you want to use HTTP tunneling (wrap every message in HTTP to get through a firewall), you need to add TunnelingEnabled=” true” into your definition in the config.xml file or check the appropriate box on the console. Then use a URL likeinstead of t3://localhost:7001 for Context. PROVIDER_URL when getting your InitialContext. If you want HTTP tunneling with SSL, use (where https uses HTTP tunneling with SSL and 7002 is the secure port that you configured). You will pay a performance penalty for doing this, so only use tunneling it if you really need to (i.e., need to go through a firewall).

6. Question: Does the WebLogic JMS Server Find Out About Closed or Lost Connections, Crashes, and Other Problems and Does It Recover From Them?

Answer: Yes, but how it does this depends on whether a Java client crashes or WebLogic Server crashes, as follows: 

If a Java client crashes then the JMS server will clean up all the outstanding server-side resource from the crashed client JVM, such as:

  • JMS connection(s) from the crashed client JVM
  • JMS temporary destination(s) created under the above  JMS connection(s)
  • JMS session(s) created under the above JMS connection(s)
  • JMS client(s) created under the above JMS session(s) (connection consumer and regular consumer)
  • JMS browser(s) created under the above session(s)
  • JMS producer(s) created under the above session(s)

If WebLogic Server crashes and it is the front-end to the JMS server, then:

  • A JMS client will lose all the server-side resources listed above.
  • The client’s javax.jms.ExceptionListener.onException will be called (if javax.jms.JMSConnection.setExceptionListener is set) with a LostServerException, which extends JMSException.

If WebLogic server crashes and it is a back-end to the JMS server, then:

  • A JMS client may partially lose some of the server-side resources listed above (only the resource on the crashed server, such as JMS temporary destination(s), JMS client(s) and JMS browser(s).
  • The client’s javax.jms.ExceptionListener.onException(…) will be called (if weblogic.jms.extensions.WLSession.setExceptionListener is set) with a ConsumerClosedException, which extends JMSException. 

7. Question: Why Does JMSSession.CreateTopic or JMSSession.CreateQueue Fail to Create a Destination in WebLogic JMS 8.1 (It Worked in Version 5.1)?

Answer: In WLS 5.1 create topics() or create queues() creates the destination permanently in the database if it doesn’t already exist, but does not modify the WebLogic.properties file. 

According to the JavaSoft JMS specification version 1.0.2 regarding creating a queue() and create a topic(), they are not for creating destinations dynamically. They are used to retrieve the destination referenced by using a string name instead of using a JNDI lookup. The destination has to be in your config.xml file first. This change is documented in WLS 6.0 since it behaves differently than the previous release. You can use the WLS JMS helper class (weblogic.jms.extensions.JMSHelper) or the console to create destinations at the run time (note that there was a bug in 6.0 that caused a problem when the server restarted; this is fixed in Service Pack 1). These mechanisms create the destination and also modify the configuration file.

For more information on the JMSHelper classes, see the subsection called Creating Destinations Dynamically in Programming WebLogic JMS. 

The following program creates a Topic.

import java.io.*;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import javax.jms.*;
import javax.naming.*;
import weblogic.jms.extensions.JMSHelper;

class t {
public final static String
public final static String JMS_SERVER_NAME=”TestJMSServer”;
public final static String DEST_JNDI_PREFIX=”javax.destination.”;

static public void main(String [] args) throws Exception {
try {
Hashtable env = new Hashtable();
env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, “t3://localhost:7001”);
Context ctx = new InitialContext(env);

String topicName = “JMSHelperTestQueue01”;
String topicJNDI = DEST_JNDI_PREFIX + topicName;
System.out.println(“topic name=” + topicName + “, jndi=” +
JMSHelper.createPermanentTopicAsync(ctx, JMS_SERVER_NAME,
} catch (JMSException e) {

8. Question: Is There a Smaller Version of the Weblogic.jar File For Supporting Clients?

Answer: Yes. WebLogic Server 8.1 provides a true J2EE application client. The WebLogic Server application client is provided as a standard client and a JMS client, packaged as two separate jar files—wlclient.jar and wljmsclient.jar—in the /server/lib subdirectory of the WebLogic Server installation directory. Each jar is about 400 KB. 

  • For instructions on developing a thin client, see Developing a J2EE Application Client (Thin Client) in Programming WebLogic RMI over IIOP.
  • For information about the JMS jar, see WebLogic JMS Thin Client in Programming WebLogic JMS.
  • For an overview of client options, see Using RMI over IIOP Programming Models to Develop Applications in Programming WebLogic RMI over IIOP.

9. Question: Is There a C/C++ Interface to WebLogic JMS?

Answer: Yes, there is a JMS C client available on the dev2dev Utility and Tools page, which has a downloadable jmscapi.zip file that includes all the necessary files, as well as documentation and samples. This is not a supported product of BEA. However, if you have questions about this API you can post them to WebLogic JMS “weblogic.developer.interest.jms” newsgroup available on the BEA Newsgroup server.

10. Question: How Do I Use OS Authentication With WebLogic driver For Oracle and Connection Pools?

Answer: Using OS authentication in connection pools essentially means that you are using the UserId of the user who started WebLogic Server. OS authentication is available on Windows and UNIX. This means that database security will rely strictly on the security of WebLogic; that is, if you are allowed to make a client connection to the WebLogic Server and access the pool, then you can get to the database.  

You can do this with WebLogic driver for Oracle because Oracle uses the process owner to determine who is attempting the connection. In the case of WebLogic JDBC, this is always the user that started the WebLogic Server.

To set up your Oracle instance to use this feature, your DBA needs to follow these basic steps. The full procedure is described in more detail in your Oracle documentation. 

Add the following line to the INIT[sid].ORA file:


Note that the string “OPS$” is arbitrary and up to the DBA.

Log in to the Oracle server as SYSTEM.

Create a user named OPS$userid, where userid is some operating system login ID. This user should be granted the standard privileges (for example, CONNECT and RESOURCE).

Once the userid is set up, you can connect with WebLogic jDriver for Oracle by specifying “/” as the username property and “/” as the password property. Here is an example for testing this connection with the dbping utility:

$ java utils.dbping ORACLE “/” “” myserver

Here is a code example for WebLogic jDriver for Oracle:
Properties props = new Properties();

props.put(“user”, “/”);

props.put(“password”, “/”);

props.put(“server”, “myserver”);


Connection conn = myDriver.connect(“jdbc:weblogic:oracle”,

Use the Administration Console to set the attribute for your connection pool. The following code is an example of a JDBC connection pool configuration using the WebLogic jDriver for Oracle:









11. Question: What Transaction Isolation Levels Does the WebLogic driver For Oracle Support?

Answer: Your servlet application may use Oracle Thin Drivers to access a database that includes BLOB fields. If you install and try to use WebLogic jDriver for Oracle and the same code fails and produces an exception similar to the following: (What Transaction Isolation Levels Does the WebLogic jDriver For Oracle Support)

TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED isolation level not allowed
The Stack Trace:
TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED isolation level not allowed
(JDBCServer.java :46)
at com.roguewave.jdbtools.v2_0.ConnectionPool.getConnection_
(ConnectionPool.jav a:412)
at com.roguewave.jdbtools.v2_0.ConnectionPool.getConnection
(ConnectionPool.java :109)

Setting the Isolation_level to 1 in the code that calls the RogueWave JDBCServer class works with the Oracle thin driver but fails with WebLogic jDriver for Oracle.

WebLogic driver for Oracle supports the following transaction isolation levels:



According to the Oracle documentation, the Oracle DBMS only supports these two isolation levels. Unlike other JDBC drivers, WebLogic’s drivers throw an exception if you try to use an isolation level that is unsupported. Some drivers silently ignore attempts to set an unsupported isolation level. WebLogic suggests testing whether the Oracle thin driver is not just ignoring settings for unsupported isolation events. 

12. Question: Can the Weblogic JDriver for MSSSQL Server Connect to the Database Server Using a Trusted Connection on NT/WIN2K?

Answer: Our driver doesn’t support trusted connections. 

13. Question: Why Do I Get “java.sql.SQLException: get object is Not Supported By the WebLogic JDBC Driver”?

Answer: When using the WebLogic JDBC connection pool and weblogic.jdbc.vendor.oracle.OracleResultSet, the error is returned (where OBJECT is the name of some Oracle object). It implies that this feature is not supported by WebLogic Server JDBC because the object type is not serializable. There are two alternatives. (Company)

  • You can switch to using the Oracle thin driver directly. That means that you will get a connection directly to the database using the Thin driver instead of getting the connection from a pool of JDBC connections. That means that you lose all advantages of using the WebLogic Server JDBC subsystem, such as transactions, connection pooling, and caching of prepared statements.
  • BEA recommends moving your processing to a stored procedure. 

14. Question: Why Do I Get “ORA-24327”?

Answer: This error generally means that the environment ORACLE_HOME is not set or is set incorrectly or the D_LIBRARY_PATH or PATH does not include the right dynamic link libraries. It can also indicate a mismatch when trying to use weblogic.jdbc.oci.Driver with an earlier or later version of the Oracle client software than is supported. In that case, try to use the Oracle Thin driver instead. (E learning portal)

15. Question: Why Do I Get “ORA-00600”?

Answer: This error generally means that the version of the Oracle server is newer than version of the driver you are using. In case you are using the Oracle thin driver, you will need to download the latest ojdbc14. jar from Oracle and put it at the beginning of your CLASSPATH (and possibly update any scripts that start the server, such as startweblogic.cmd, since they override the CLASSPATH).

16. Question: Why Do I Get Unexpected Characters From 8-bit Character Sets in WebLogic driver For Oracle?

Answer: If you are using an Oracle database with an 8-bit character set on Solaris, make sure you set NLS_LANG to the proper value on the client. If NLS_LANG is not set, it defaults to a 7-bit ASCII character set and tries to map characters greater than ASCII 128 to a reasonable approximation (for example, á, à, â would all map to a). Other characters are mapped to a question mark (?). 

17. Question: How Do I Limit the Number of Oracle Database Connections Generated By WebLogic Server?

Answer: You can use connection pools to limit the number of Oracle database connections generated by WebLogic Server in response to client requests. Connection pools allow T3 applications to share a fixed number of database connections.

18. Question: What Type of Object is Returned By ResultSet.getObject() When Using the WebLogic j Driver For Oracle?

Answer: WebLogic driver for Oracle always returns a Java object that preserves the precision of the data retrieved. It returns the following from the getObject() method: 

  • For columns of types NUMBER(n) and NUMBER(m,n): a Double is returned if the defined precision of the column can be represented by a Double; otherwise, BigDecimal is returned.
  • For columns of type NUMBER: Because there is no explicit precision, the Java type to return is determined based on the actual value in each row, and this may vary from row to row. An Integer is returned if the value has a zero-valued fractional component and the value can be represented by an integer.

For example, 1.0000 will be an integer. A long is returned for a value such as 123456789123.00000. If a value has a non-zero fractional component, a Double is returned if the precision of the value can be represented by a Double; otherwise, a BigDecimal is returned. 

19. Question: How Do I Use Unicode Codesets With the WebLogic driver For Oracle Driver?

Answer: To use Unicode codesets: 

  1. Install the appropriate codeset when you install Oracle. If you did not do this in the original installation, you will need to re-run the Oracle installer and install the proper codeset.
  2. Define the NLS_LANG variable in the environment where the JDBC driver is running. Do this by assigning the proper codeset to NLS_LANG in the shell from where you start the WebLogic Server.

20. Question: If an Application Calls DataSource.getConnection Multiple Times in the Same Thread and Transaction, Will WebLogic Server Handle Giving Me the Same Connection and Transaction?

Answer: A common scenario might be to have multiple methods that are called within a transaction (begin/commit) that do something like the following: 

Context ctx = new InitialContext();

DataSource ds = (javax.sql.DataSource) ctx.lookup(“connpoll”); 

// work using Connection

In this case, all of the work will be done within the transaction and the same underlying JDBC connection will be used as long as the DataSource ds is a tx data source.

21. Question: When You Look Up a Data Source Via JNDI and Access a Database Connection From an External Process, Do You Get a Stub For the Connection Instance in the WebLogic Process or Does It Create a New Connection Pool With Separate Connections in the Local Process?

Answer: If it is a WebLogic DataSource, then you get a stub for the Connection instance, not) a connection pool in the local process.

22. Question: How Can I Enable Oracle Advanced Security Encryption on the JDBC Oracle Thin Driver With a WebLogic JDBC Connection Pool?

Answer: Oracle Advanced Security encryption relies on features available through connection properties in the JDBC driver from Oracle. You can specify connection properties in a WebLogic JDBC connection pool in the Properties attribute. This attribute is available on the JDBC Connection Pool —> Configuration —> General tab in the Administration Console. When WebLogic Server creates database connections for the connection pool, it passes the properties to the JDBC driver so that connections are created with the specified properties.

For example, to enable Oracle Advanced Security encryption, you may want to specify the following options:

Properties: user=SCOTT

Note: See the Oracle documentation for details about the required properties for Oracle Advanced Security encryption. Properties listed above are for illustration only. 

The resulting entry in the config.xml file would look like:


Note: Line breaks added for readability.

23. Question: Why Does WebLogic Server Invoke the ManagedConnection.addConnectionEventListener() Function Whenever the Sample EJB Calls ConnectionFactory.getConnection() to Connect to the EIS?

Answer: This is a requirement and is part of the contract between the Resource Adapter and the application server. Why Does WebLogic Server Invoke the ManagedConnection?add ConnectionEventListener() Function Whenever the Sample EJB Calls ConnectionFactory.getConnection() to Connect to the EIS.

24. Question: When Deploying a Resource Adapter (.rar) to WebLogic Server, Are Its Classes Placed in the WebLogic Classpath?

Answer: When you pass an instance of com.myclientcompany.server.eai.InteractionSpecImpl as an argument to your EJB, the app server needs to de-serialize (unmarshal) the object under the EJB context, and it needs the required class for unmarshalling, inside the EJB-jar(raTester.jar). So if you include the interactionspecimpl class in your EJB-jar file, then you do not need to include those classes in your server’s classpath.

25. Question: Does WebLogic Support Auto Generating Primary Keys For Entity Beans?

Answer: Yes, this feature was added in WLS 6.1. For more information, see the DTD comments for the element.https://www.bea.com/servers/wls810/dtd/weblogic-ejb-jar.dtd.

26. Question: Can I Use the PointBase DBMS Included With WebLogic Server For Development or Production?

Answer: PointBase Server is an all-Java DBMS product included in the WebLogic Server distribution solely in support of WebLogic Server evaluation, either in the form of custom trial applications or through packaged sample applications provided with WebLogic Server. Non-evaluation development and/or production use of the PointBase Server requires a separate license to be obtained by the end-user directly from PointBase. 

27. Question: How to Change From Development Mode to Production Mode in Weblogic 10.3?

Answer: All servers in a domain run either in development mode or production mode. In general, production mode requires you to configure additional security features. For information on the differences between the two modes, refer to “Creating a WebLogic Domain” in Creating WebLogic Domains Using the Configuration Wizard. 

To configure all servers in a domain to run in production mode:

1. If you have not already done so, in the Change Center of the Administration Console, click Lock & Edit (see Use the Change Center).

2. In the left pane of the Console, under Domain Structure, select the domain name.

3. Select Configuration > General and select the Production Mode checkbox.

4. Click Save, and then, to activate these changes, in the Change Center, click Activate Changes.

5. Shut down any servers that are currently running. See Start and stop servers.

6. Invoke the domain’s start WebLogic script. See Starting an Administration Server with a Startup Script.

The Administration Server starts in the new model. 

7. If the domain contains Managed Servers, start the Managed Servers.


As each Managed Server starts, it refers to the mode of the Administration Server to determine its runtime mode.

Note: Once you have changed to production mode, whether by using a start command argument, the Console, or WLST, you cannot change back to development mode without restarting the server. 

28. Question: Tuning JVM Parameters?

Answer: If you have a single processor, the single-thread machine then you should use the serial collector (default for some configurations, can be enabled explicitly for with -XX:+UseSerialGC). For multiprocessor machines where your workload is basically CPU bound, use the parallel collector. This is enabled by default if you use the -server flag or you can enable it explicitly with -XX:+UseParallelGC. If you’d rather keep the GC pauses shorter at the expense of using more total CPU time for GC, and you have more than one CPU, you can use the concurrent collector (-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC). Note that the concurrent collector tends to require more RAM allocated to the JVM than the serial or parallel collectors for a given workload because some memory fragmentation can occur. 

29. Question: How to Troubleshoot It?

Answer: In a Solaris environment, we need to take pstack and prestack and see what the threads are doing. 

In Windows, we need to use a pslist and process explorer. 

30. Question: When Does High CPU Usage Occur?

Answer: It occurs when one process or one thread utilizes an unexpectedly high proportion of CPU.

31. Question: How Can Server Hang Be Solved?

Answer: Java WebLogic.Admin PING needs to be checked for finding whether you get a normal and positive response. You can find out the root cause for hanging from this file. You just need to rectify the errors that are identified from this file.

32. Question: Explain the Functioning of Stub?

Answer: Stub is usually expected by the people who connect to the WebLogic server cluster. The stub has the list that consists of the available instances of the server that perform host implementations associated with an object. The stub also has the functionality of balancing the load by distributing load amongst the host servers.

33. Question: Explain the Functionality of IIOP?

Answer: IIOP is a kind of protocol helpful in enabling the communication between the WebLogic server and the object request broker.

34. Question: Tell About Ant Scripts?

Answer: It took me months to consider using Ant scripts for my Flash Builder projects. True to my principle ‘Two days of mouse-clicking save two hours of reading’, I kept ignoring the jumble that the scripts seemed to me, whenever I encountered them in examples, promising to myself to go back and have a proper look at them later.

35. Question: What are the Difference in WebLogic 8.1 and 9.x?

Answer: Well if you don’t want to read the entire documentation provided by the BEA but wanted to know a few major differences between WL 8.1 and 9.X, you can have a glance on my blog. Else you get excellent documentation from BEA. 

Following are very few major differences between Weblogic 8.1 and 9.2:

1. Weblogic 9.0 handles the Cachefull Exception more effectively than 8.1. WL 9.0 does “Dynamic Entity Cache”. It provides improved caching and pooling than 8.1. So hopefully no more cache full exceptions on the camps.

2. Weblogic 9.X has resolved many OutOfMemory scenario exceptions.

3. WL 9.X supports following related to JMS

– Unit of Group JMS Messages
– Store and Forward JMS Messages
– Unit of Order jms messages
– Improved Message Paging

36. Question: Question In Cluster, the Load Balancing That Simply Redirects the Client Request to Any Available Server in Weblogic Server Cluster. Suppose Assume We Have 4 Managed Servers and One Admin Server. Can We Trace That Request is Going to Which Managed Server in the Cluster is it Possible to Tell That Request is Going to Which Ipaddr/Managed Server?

37. Answer: whenever the request gets routed from any Load balancer or Web-server to any application server, the routed request contains a header part which includes information of the server like Port, Listen address etc based on which it routes to its appropriate server hosting application. And we can trace this information in a web-server log file.

38. Question: Is an XSLT Processor Bundled in WebLogic Server?

Answer: Yes, the one that ships in the JDK 1.4.1_02: Apache’s Xalan 2.2D11. This is the built-in XSLT processor for WebLogic Server 8.1.

39. Question: what is WLS T3 Protocol?

Answer: Weblogic’s implementation of the RMI specification uses a proprietary protocol known as T3. You can think of T3 (and secure T3S) as a layer sitting on top of https to expose/allow JNDI calls by clients. 

T3 is the protocol used to transport information between WebLogic servers and other types of Java programs. WebLogic keeps track of every Java virtual machine connected to the application. To carry traffic to the Java virtual machine, WebLogic creates a single T3 connection. This type of connection maximizes efficiency by eliminating multiple protocols used to communicate between networks, thereby using fewer operating system resources. The protocol used for the T3 connection also enhances efficiency and minimizes packet sizes, increasing the speed of the delivery method. 

40. Question: Use of Stub?

Answer: A stub, in the context of distributed computing, is a piece of code that is used to convert parameters during a remote procedure call (RPC). An RPC allows a client computer to remotely call procedures on a server computer. The parameters used in a function call have to be converted because the client and server computers use different address spaces. Stubs perform this conversion so that the remote server computer perceives the RPC as a local function call. 

41. Question: Why Does a JMS Error Message Appear When I Start WebLogic Express?

Answer: The Domain Wizard adds JMS tags when it creates a new domain, and when this domain is used to start the server, the JMS tags are noted, and the error message is displayed. If you have not specified any JMS resources in your domain, you can ignore this error message and continue to run the server. 

42. Question: How Do I Start Developing on WebLogic Express?

Answer: The best place to start is with the “Getting Started” section of WebLogic Express. 

There is also a WebLogic Express evaluation guide and toolkit that you can download. The guide helps you to get started quickly with WebLogic Express installation and Web application programming with a self-paced tutorial.

43. Question: How Do I Start Developing on WebLogic Express?

Answer: The best place to start is with the “Getting Started” section of WebLogic Express. 

There is also a WebLogic Express evaluation guide and toolkit that you can download. The guide helps you to get started quickly with WebLogic Express installation and Web application programming with a self-paced tutorial.

44. Question: Are There Any Newsgroups For WebLogic Express?

Answer: You can access the BEA newsgroups for your particular area of interest at https://www.bea.com/support/newsgroup.shtml.

45. Question: What Kind of Applications Can I Build With WebLogic Express?

Answer: WebLogic Express is designed for building and deploying simple Web applications that do not require the full application server capabilities WebLogic Express is a good fit for projects that use Servlets and Java Server Pages (JSPs), and simple Java applications using Java classes, RMI, and JDBC.  WebLogic Express does not support EJB, JMS, JCA, advanced Web services, or other features targeted at enterprise-level applications.

46. Question: Can I Access CORBA Applications With WebLogic Express?

Answer: Yes. WebLogic Express contains support for RMI over IIOP, which can be used for connectivity with CORBA applications. Because WebLogic Express does not contain support for EJB, you can only use RMI over IIOP to communicate with plain RMI objects, however.

47. Question: How Does Clustering Work With WebLogic Express Premium Edition?

Answer: WebLogic Express Premium Edition includes clustering and failover of JSPs, Servlets, RMI objects, and JDBC connections for increased reliability and availability. 

48. Question: Which Platforms are WebLogic Express Certified On?

Answer: For a list of certified platforms see Supported Configurations.

49. Question: Does WebLogic Express Support Virtual Hosting?

Answer: WebLogic Express supports virtual hosting that allows a single WebLogic Express instance or WebLogic Express cluster to host multiple Web sites. Each logical Web server has its hostname, but all Web servers are mapped in DNS to the same cluster IP address. 

When a client sends an HTTP request to the cluster address, a WebLogic Express instance is selected to serve the request. The Web server name is extracted from the HTTP request headers and is maintained in subsequent exchanges with the client so that the virtual hostname remains constant from the client’s perspective.
Multiple Web applications can be deployed on a WebLogic Express instance, and each Web application can be mapped to a virtual host. 

50. Question: When Should I Consider Open Source vs WebLogic Express?

Answer: Please see our white paper discussing the considerations involved in making a choice between WebLogic Express and Open Source Servlet Engines. 

Weblogic Server Tutorial Over View

What is Weblogic Server Course?

Choose the best source for WebLogic Server Training Videos to improve your career. Face the challenges boldly. Keep your maximum effort. Fight with the pressures to overcome them Want more motivation and suggestions on your career? Then keep your career in the hands of SVR technologies. WebLogic Server Training Videos is sometimes referred to as message-oriented middleware (MOM) allows independent and potentially non-concurrent applications on a distributed system to securely communicate with each other. Those new applications do not need a complete replacement of existing infrastructure. The applications work with what you already have and what you know how to manage. Our WebLogic Server Training Videos is conducted in view of the learner’s framework and domain or knowledge levels.. It needs to be remembered that a message in the context of MQ has no implication other than a gathering of data. WebLogic Server Training Videos is much generalized and can be used as a robust substitute for many forms of intercommunication. Messages can be sent from one application to another, regardless of whether the applications are running at the same time.

Oracle Weblogic Server Course Overview

WebSphere MQ always connected systems and applications, regardless of the platform or environment. It is essential to be able to communicate between a GUI desktop application that is running on Microsoft Windows and an IBM CICSO transaction that is running on IBM z/OS. That value of universality is core to the product, and this value has not changed in all the time that it has been available. What has changed is the range of environments in which WebLogic Server Training Videos can or must live. Our experiences and hurdles to attain knowledge on few technologies, taught us many valuable WebLogic Server Training Videos lessons, as they are hard to find in books, institutions, online, not even any mentor for those unique technologies. Even if we found one, still numerous queries arise in our minds like, are WebLogic Server Training Videos theoretical sound? Does WebLogic Server Training Videos provide assistance in the future? Does the material worth our payment?, and so on, where we have blended our efforts and our trainer’s thoughts to bring them all under one roof, which we are sure, would help you in taking a valuable training.

Job Opportunities on WebLogic Server

We care you till the end of your problems. We make you stand high among everyone… We make you learn various courses like java, advanced java, SQL, weblogic, informatica and so on. We have a group of experienced trainers who can teach any type of WebLogic Server Training Videos. They guide you in a way to achieve your dreams. We provide you the materials which are helpful for you to reference anytime. We also provide you the WebLogic Server Training Videos in reference to the course. We clarify your doubts and take care of you till you become a perfectionist in your course. We have a customer service portal which is available for 24 hours throughout the year. You can make use of it any time anywhere. All that you have to do that in order get these benefits is just take right decision and join our WebLogic Server Training Videos site. You can watch the WebLogic Server Training Videos tutorial and demos for free. Once you subscribe to our site you can start watching every video at a reasonable price.

SVR Features

You can contact us on phone with the numbers provided in our official page. If not contact us on online and we start your career. Weblogic server which contains java platform is very helpful to build your career. So do you want a career in web logic? You can watch the WebLogic Server Training Videos tutorials and demo videos for free on our site. Are you not aware of its advantages? Then watch the online weblogic server tutorial videos in our site. Our trainers give you the introduction, its uses and also the way of using it. By doing this you gain a better awareness on this platform. If you are going well with the WebLogic Server Training Videos tutorials then there is no need of another thought, just join us and be a triumphant. The complete course can be learned online through our videos. Our trainers give you classes through videos on web logic server. We also have our customer service portal where you can clarify your doubts. These online weblogic videos can be watched through online payment without any extra charges.


Pay for each video is too less when compared to the other coaching centers. So make use of it the most, grab all the knowledge we have and be a better weblogic programmer by this WebLogic Server Training Videos. Also profile augmentation, PMT and manageprofiles.sh etc, application upgrades and typical issues like JDK version, application debugging etc. Regulators and auditors have imposed more controls on what can or must be done. Systems, which need access to enterprise data, have become both more powerful faster, more processors, and so on and much less powerful sensors, tablets, and mobile phones. Therefore, WebLogic Server Training Videos has evolved. There are now more ways for applications to reach a WebSphere MQ queue manager and to access any existing applications that were already WebSphere MQ enabled. A messaging-based solution establishes a shared integration layer, enabling the seamless flow of multiple types of data between the customer’s heterogeneous systems. The WebLogic Server Training Videos helps you into train for the job role and getting placed accordingly. You can learn the entire WebLogic Server Training Videos course through online itself

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