How long does it Take to Learn Power BI
Step 1: Power BI Installation
What is Power BI and Powebi Installation
Step 2: Power BI Over View
1. The business Challenge – Who Gets The Annual Bonus?
2. Connecting Power BI to a Data File – CSV File
3. Navigating Power BI
4. Drilling down and up in hierarchies
5. Advanced drilling in hierarchies
6. Adding Colours
7. Adding A Calculated Column
8. Adding Labels and Formatting
Step 3: Time series, Aggregation, and Filters
1. Downloading and connecting to the dataset
2. Working with time series
3. Understanding aggregation and granularity
4. Creating an area chart & learning about highlighting
5. Filters and Slicers in Power BI
Step 4: Maps, Scatterplots and Interactive BI Reports
1. Joining data in Power BI
2. Understanding how LEFT, RIGHT, INNER, and OUTER joins work
3. Joins with duplicate values
4. Joining on multiple fields
5. Creating a map, working with hierarchies, lats and lons
6. Calculated Columns vs Calculated Measures in Power BI
7. Creating a scatter plot
8. Combining charts, filters and slicers
9. Adding a Donut Chart
Step 5: Creating an Interactive Power BI Report
1. Downloading the dataset and connecting Power BI
2. Mapping: How To Set Geographical Roles
3. Creating Table Calculations for Gender
4. Creating Bins and Distributions for Age
5. Creating Bins and Distributions for Balance
6. How to create a Tree map chart
7. Creating a Customer Segmentation Dashboard
8. Controlling Report Interactivity
9. Analyzing the Customer Segmentation Dashboard
Step 6: Custom Visuals
1. The Challenge: Visualizing the European Debt Crisis
2. Installing a Custom Visual for Power BI
3. Mechanics of a Chord Chart
4. Setting up the second Chord Chart
5. Adding Tree maps
6. Exploring the visualization
After completed this course, we will provide you some power bi interview questions and free power bi tutorial for beginners also.