PL SQL Training Online

We provide a PL SQL Training Online Course with 10+ years real-time experienced faculty.

25+ hours Course Duration
CV preparation
interview questions answers
Course Materials
weekend/fast-track/one-on-one batches

PL SQL Developer Career Facts

PL SQL Pre-requisites

Basic Computer Knowledge.

Jobs On PL SQL

Top IT MNC such as Capgemini, Cognizant, IBM, Infosys, Accenture, etc.,

PL SQL Developer Salary

The average salary for a PL SQL Developer with 4 years experience in India is ₹8,43,568.

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PL SQL Course Outline:

  • Introduction to Programming Languages
  • Introduction to PL/SQL
  • The Advantages of PL/SQL
  • PL/SQL Architecture
  • PL/SQL Data types
  • Variable and Constants
  • Using Built_in Functions
  • Conditional and Unconditional Statements
  • Simple if, if… else, nested if..else, if..else Ladder
  • Selection Case, Simple Case, GOTO Label   and EXIT
  • Iterations in PL/SQL
  • PROCEDURE with Parameters (IN, OUT  and IN OUT)
  • POSITIONAL Notation and NAMED Notation
  • Procedure with Cursors
  • Dropping a Procedure
  • Creating PACKAGE Specification and  PACKAGE Body
  • Private and Public Objects in PACKAGE
  • User Defined Exceptions
  • Pre Defined Exceptions
  • SQL Error Code Values
  • Types of Triggers
  • Row Level Triggers
  • Statement Level Triggers
  • DDL Triggers
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